Official international site launches as MCGI further expands global reach
Pampanga, Philippines – To serve as many people in various nations as possible, the Members Church of God International recently launches its international site,, in hopes of gradually breaking the language barriers in understanding the truths being preached by Bro. Eli Soriano.
With, the Church moves closer to building its global presence in as many nations as possible, albeit online. The site uses the world’s lingua franca, English, as its base language, and will gradually accommodate translations of its contents into Portuguese, Chinese, Spanish and more in the near future.
MCGI’s official web site boasts of a library robust with answered queries of faith, Bible Exposition topics, and blog articles by Bro. Eli Soriano. More than ever, it is ready and willing to show the world just what makes Bro. Eli an instant sensation among his international audience and why his program, Ang Dating Daan or The Old Path, remains the longest-running religious program in his home country.
For a richer web experience, also houses videos, particularly the personal experiences and testimonies of faith of some of the newly-baptized members from South America, Papua New Guinea and Africa. These stories of enlightenment capture these people’s long search for the Truth that they only found in the Presiding Minister’s preaching.
In the Library section, photo galleries are integrated to provide a profound experience of the history, culture and different facets of the global congregations of MCGI. Online visitors can also learn from these multimedia materials the early steps of the Church, including the start of the The Old Path, which kick-started on a shoe-string budget and the three-man production team of Bro. Eli, Vice-Presiding Minister Bro. Daniel Razon, and Sis. Luz Cruz.
The new site also features a section for journalists and the media. The MCGI Newsroom is a one-stop site that carries the latest news and activities of the Church to keep members, and even journalists, informed of the affairs of the Church.
The comprehensive search facility allows users to easily find relevant information housed on the site. Another important feature of the site is the archive facility, a tool helpful for those who are interested in looking back on all the resources and materials posted on the site.
With the introduction of, the current official web site – – will be redesigned to reach out to the Church’s Philippine constituents. Launched in the year 2000, the holds the record for winning the most number of laurels from the Philippine Web Awards from 2002 to 2007 including the Most Popular Site of the Year title.
Like in the past year, the Members Church of God International saw many firsts in 2009 – from its membership in South America, Papua New Guinea and Africa growing by the hundreds, to its YouTube channels attracting millions of views, to Bro. Eliseo Soriano’s blog earning raves from an international award-giving body.
This year, the blog launched by Bro. Eli Soriano,, was also honored the Most Popular Web Site of the Year by the Philippine Web Awards and is one of the top contenders in the Most Educational to Follow category from out of 70,000+ nominees in the 3rd Edition of the Open Web Awards by Mashable, in partnership with Motoblur from Motorola.
From a Church that started with a few hundred members in northern Philippines to its international reach now, MCGI has indeed shown the world its commitment to reaching people, no matter how far they are or where they come from – and all in less than three decades. Certainly, only more can be expected to come from this ever-growing congregation.
(Written by: Ryan Borja)