Read short testimonials of some of MCGI’s youngest brethren baptized on September 19, 2014 at the ADD Convention Center in Apalit, Pampanga.
I believe that this is really the place that will bring me to God’s kingdom.
I accidentally saw the [The Old Path] Bible Exposition on television. I was switching channels, and then I saw someone asking Bro. Eli a question. I saw that the answer was from the Bible.
Another guest asked a question and I realized that it was the Bible that answers. I told myself, “This was what I have long been looking for. Praise God!”
I’ve been watching the program daily for almost two months, and I would even stay up late, until 2 am. I believe that Bro. Eli preaches the truth.
I asked my son to look for [a Coordinating Center of] Ang Dating Daan, which is the Church of God. [When we found one] I asked him to come with me. We attended the Mass Indoctrination for two weeks.
I was an immigration employee before I retired. I am disgruntled with the idol worship of the Catholics so I stopped attending mass. I was reading the Bible and when I watched the Bible Exposition, I was surprised! He answers through the Bible.
There were words that Bro. Eli used that I didn’t like when I first started watching. I was way younger that time. But then he explained that we are supposed to be straightforward, without inhibition when telling the truth. That’s when I started to appreciate the way he preached.
I had this lightness inside. I felt that I was very much blessed by God. “Finally, I’m here,” that was what I thought. Whatever happens, I’m ready, especially now that I’m old.
I have a lot of things to be grateful about. I used to only ask God to keep me safe and sound. I didn’t ask for wealth; I just wanted Him to take care of me. He made me strong up to this very moment, and I had never been sickly! I am above 70 years old. I sleep late just to be able to finish Bro. Eli’s TV program: This is all I have been looking for!
I want to see him in person, but he’s very far. Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel, thanks be to God because you became instrumental for this change in my life. I believe that Bro. Eli is a vehicle for us to be intact once Jesus Christ comes. When Bro. Eli was crying during our prayer, I was also crying. He sacrificed a lot for people.
I started watching Ang Dating Daan [The Old Path] in 1999, and felt like I grew in the Lord. I was looking for channels where I could listen to the words of God. All the stories Bro. Eli shared are true and the verses are all in the Bible.
I was a Born Again Christian, and used to be a member of the Jesus Christ the Savior and then Jesus Is Lord and Bread of Life groups. I moved from one organization to another. Until one day, my mom told me to come with her in Ang Dating Daan.
I was in high school then. I was hearing a lot of rumors about the Church but I really liked what I was watching on TV so I got interested. I told myself, “I’ll go so I will discover the truth about these rumors.”
When we attended the indoctrination, I realized the ill news weren’t true. People misinterpreted the doctrines. We finished the indoctrination, and decided to go to Apalit.
I have been a Christian for a very long time, and for once, I want to know what’s Bro. Eli’s basis of faith. I found that it was good. I saw that his basis is the Bible. We then decided to get baptized.
First of all, I’m so happy because I saw my mom getting baptized for the first time through water. By personal experience, I have also been baptized in water, before but I didn’t feel it because it was a swimming pool where the ambience felt like an excursion. Here in the Church, it felt sacred, solemn. That was the huge difference.
Being baptized felt so good. I was filled with the Holy Spirit when I was submerged under water. I was overcome by joy because my mom got closer to God. There was also that feeling where it seemed like the Holy Spirit said, “His mission was accomplished.”
I sought renewal and forgiveness for my sins. When I got into the water and finally got out, God’s presence was really there. I could feel it. If only I could stay in the water for a longer period of time to meditate, I would have done so, but there were still a lot of brethren in line waiting for their turn.
Bro. Eli, thanks be to God very much because God allowed me to be a member of the Members Church of God International: the true Christian Church.
I also want to thank God for Bro. Daniel. You both brought significant contributions to my awareness of God’s will. I will keep God’s doctrines in my heart wherever I go. Thanks be to God with all my heart.
I recently watched the program on TV accidentally while switching channels and I heard the true teachings that were delivered incorrectly in the Catholic Church, especially about the idols. So I was convinced to listen here in the Church of God and I liked the way they taught people.
I felt light; I repented and turned away from my old ways.
I hope God in heaven will always guide them, and for the words of God to be propagated all over the world.
Bro. Dominick from Cavite told me to go to Ang Dating Daan [Church of God] because he believed I would like it.
He persuaded me to go several times, and I realized that the teachings have basis and are truthful. For example, the Catholic’s idol worship, [which] the Bible [prohibits].
I then made sure to attend the indoctrination consistently. The doctrines I heard discussed biblical truths.
I felt weightless, as if my sins disappeared.
Continue doing your best so that more souls will attend [gatherings] and become members of the Members Church of God International.