Read short testimonials of faith from some of MCGI’s youngest brethren baptized on October 10, 2014 at the ADD Convention Center in Apalit, Pampanga.
As I kept watching the program, I saw that there were verses that though not exactly saying things against my previous Church, I left it because this is the right one.
My father was baptized first, about six years ago; I don’t know the exact year. Since I’m open-minded when it comes to… There’s this constant search for perfection, so if you know that [your religion] is wrong, you search for the right one.
Actually, the reason why I became a member is because with Catholicism, it’s the same gospel every year, every week. Every year, they have different explanations as well.
With Bro. Eli on the other hand, though questions are repeatedly asked of him, he gives one explanation, which comes not from his own thinking. So that’s what [persuaded] me.
I felt so light inside. As the baptizer said a few remarks… I’m not a person who often cries, but I cried that time. Though it wasn’t obvious. It was like, “Did you cry? No. That’s water.”
I hope they won’t die. Seriously though, I hope they won’t be gone. And should that ever happen, since the life of men isn’t forever, may the successor bear the same doctrines, that no doctrine will change. I hope they won’t be gone. [Bro. Eli Soriano’s] duty is not yet finished.
I met a sister-in-faith at a party, and she invited me to indoctrination sessions. I was able to complete the indoctrination in Finland thrice actually, until somehow I got here, and here I am.
I needed to go home because my cousin had a problem. I can still go back [to Finland, but before that] it just happened that I got [here first].
I went to the locale and almost every Saturday I was there [attending Thanksgivings]. Then, I sometimes watched on Youtube. I saw that it was right, and that no other was like it. Even if I compare it to other religions, it will still be incomparable.
I was in Grade 2 when I got baptized as a Mormon. Then I became inactive; I became however a counselor of a locale branch.
I thought I was going to answer “No,” but I only had “Yes” to all the questions. Because, there’s no answer other than “Yes” to the questions. After I knelt down [and got baptized], I felt light and felt cleansed. I cried there because it’s better to cry there as there is much water.
I hope that [Bro. Eliseo Soriano’s] life will be longer; I hope he reaches over a hundred years old. I also hope he’ll have a healthier body that he may be able to do more, though he has already done a lot.
I’ve long been listening to [The Old Path] on television. Since about 1998, I’ve already watched the program of Bro. Eli. That time, there were even debates, and they struck me as interesting. I saw that he explained [verses], and he debated with other preachers.
I decided to get indoctrinated in 2009. However as I was being indoctrinated, I went abroad; I wasn’t able to finish attending the 20 sessions then, because my employer called me that I had to leave immediately. It’s only recently that I decided to complete the indoctrination and be baptized.
It feels good that the burdensome things – the things that made my mind unclear – seem gone.
Many, many thanks to them; because of them, I got closer to God. I searched for the truth, and now I have been baptized.
One time, my neighbors attended indoctrination. Then, that man told me, “Why don’t you come?”
I said that I had much work to do. He then replied, “You’re just going to listen. You might like it.” So I devoted a day for me to listen in the Locale of Alfonso.
As [Bro. Eliseo Soriano] spoke, I didn’t notice that I was enjoying it already. Then I saw that what he was saying is not his own opinion, but is from the Bible. That’s why I loved this religion, the Church of God. It was my first time [to hear Bro. Eli].
It’s like I felt light. I felt that I was really being called that’s why I went. When I got baptized, I was greatly thankful because I feel I can live anew, and my vices before, I can [quit already]. In the name of God, I give thanks.
I’m very, very thankful to both of them, because if it weren’t for them, if there were no The Old Path, perhaps many people now will go to false religions.
I’m also thankful because ever since I heard them, I felt as if I don’t want to turn away [from listening], because their words are really from the Bible, not their own opinions.
For me, this is the rightest religion, because the teachings here are from the Bible.
When my big brother invited me, I wasn’t interested at first. Then one night as we were watching television, there wasn’t any other show so he just switched it to Channel 37.
So I got to listen and I somewhat liked the answers that I was hearing. But still I wasn’t so much interested in it.
There came one day when I was surfing the Internet and was getting bored. I then remembered to search for the debates [of Bro. Eliseo Soriano], and I enjoyed watching them.
It was on Youtube. I have perhaps seen almost all of his debates, and everything Bro. Eli said is right. That’s what persuaded me to be baptized.
I also got to watch the biased reporting against Bro. Eli on Channel 2. I saw the side of Bro. Eli and I was delighted of the elderly he helps. I got really persuaded to join here. In the whole world, perhaps there is no other preacher like him.
I can’t explain it. It’s hard to say out loud, but it’s just a really good feeling. I just can’t express it.
Bro. Eli, Bro. Daniel thank you for helping us, for opening our eyes to the truth despite giving your lives in exchange. While there are many threats to your lives, you don’t stop. I hope many more souls will be saved. Many thanks to God.