Read short testimonials of faith from some of MCGI’s youngest brethren baptized on November 29, 2013 at the ADD Convention Center.
Bro. Harold Florendo, 34, Former Catholic, NCR
On Being Baptized
After I was immersed in water, I felt good. I have accepted the doctrine wholeheartedly. I can really say that the doctrines are holy and perfect. This is truly the religion that God established.
On MCGI Leaders
For me, Bro. Eli Soriano is a hero of faith. He’s really sent by God the Father and Bro. Daniel as well. They two are sent messengers in our time.
Sis. Cecilia Armamento, 44, Former Catholic, Manila
On Being Baptized
I thank God because He gave me a chance to hear His teachings for me to know the truth in my heart and in my mind. There is nothing added nor lacking in the teachings of Bro. Eli.
Since I was a child, what I learned was Catholic doctrine, so I really saw a lot of errors. It seemed hard to accept but it’s the truth and I have to accept it.
Now, I feel somewhat sad because my children are quite grown-up already and I brought them Catholic teachings. So I have to be strong for them, that I will hold on [to the teachings] until the end. It’s as if I turned 360o and I need to totally change their beliefs. It’s difficult, but I can do it with the help of the Lord God.
I first heard Bro. Eli on television; it’s as if a miracle given by God. Though it was a short time since I knew the doctrine, I was given wisdom to discern what is really the right teachings of the Lord. If you won’t strengthen yourself, you won’t become a member, because there are many struggles that come.
On MCGI Leaders
To Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel, may the Lord bless you and give you longer lives for the people living on this planet full of evil. May God bless you, and may we see each other in the life to come.
Sis. Michelle Ramos, 29, Former Catholic, Batangas Province
On Being Baptized
I feel light and as if all the evil spirits in my body were gone when I got baptized. I’m really very happy that I became a member here. I’ve long been yearning to join as my husband has already been a member here for 12 years. I’m really happy that I became a sister here!
On MCGI Leaders
To Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel, I’m thankful for them because if it weren’t for them, they would not be able to lead many Filipinos who really want to be part of the brotherhood.
I’m happy that I became a member here because of them. The doctrines they teach to really good. I hope that many more will become members!
Bro. Marlo Garbo, 26, Former Born Again, Cavite
On Being Baptized
All I can say is that I can’t explain what I feel.
It feels really good. It’s different from the doctrines I heard before in the Iglesia ni Cristo (INC). The doctrines here are different from theirs. Here, it depends on the Bible, with the INC, there are a few from the Bible, but mostly, not.
I decided I didn’t want to get baptized there; I was indoctrinated for six months. And you have to memorize the doctrines there. Though, I had many questions that they weren’t able to answer.
I got to listen through a television I bought. Two weeks afterward, all the channels were gone, and only UNTV 37 was left. That was the only one that had clear reception.
It was a year ago and [Bro. Eli] was debated with an atheist that time. I was delighted because there was a debate, until I got so amused I didn’t know it was already 3 AM.
On MCGI Leaders
I hope that they will continue so that many more will be encouraged.
Sis. Mary Jane Lopez, 24, Former Catholic, Cavite Province
On Being Baptized
It feels good inside.
When I was searching on the Internet on movies about Jesus, I saw the video of Bro. Eli Soriano, so I watched it. Then, I also knew someone who was from The Old Path [the Church of God] and we talked.
On MCGI Leaders
I hope he’s always okay as [Bro. Eli] is already old. I hope that he will be given a longer life. I’m lucky because I was able to still see Bro. Eli.
Bro. Regidor Ronquillo, 19, Former Catholic, Cavite Province
On Being Baptized
I feel as if I was born again after being baptized. Like what Bro. Eli said, you will feel anew, like you died, was buried, and then lived again.
When I was a child, my mother [listened]. I was about 8 or 9 years old, but I wasn’t interested then. My mother is now 18 years in the Church of God.
Then, I had a girlfriend who is a member of the Iglesia Ni Cristo, about two years ago. As time passed by, we talked about religion as members of other religions are not allowed in the INC.
What happened was we had a conflict regarding religion, until we separated ways. Then, I looked at the way Bro. Eli preached until I got interested.
On MCGI Leaders
May you continue to spread in the whole world the true doctrines, unlike in other religions, unlike in the Iglesia ni Cristo.