Read short testimonials of faith from some of MCGI’s youngest brethren baptized on November 28, 2014 at the ADD Convention Center in Apalit, Pampanga.
When I left the province, my mind was a bit confused. It was like there wasn’t anywhere I could go to; I didn’t know what to do. I was troubled, and I felt that my life was lost; I didn’t want to live anymore.
I have two children in the province, but I had a problem. So when my older brother invited me, it took me another week before I obliged.
I’ve been watching The Old Path, Bro. Eliseo Soriano in the province, but I guess I just didn’t have time before.
I went with my older brother. Thanks be to God that my mind is okay now. Even if I go back home to Iloilo, in the province, without anything material to bring to my children, I bear something great in my heart that’s good.
Also, I can set my life straight now [with God’s help]; I can share this to my children, wife, family, mother, to all. I feel something pleasant in my heart; before, it was really empty.
After I got immersed in baptism, I felt light inside.
Bro. Daniel, Bro. Eli, thanks for everything that you have taught; your teachings from the Lord God have changed me.
I believe that in the coming times, I will be able to mind matters in my life, be able to give the wonderful things you have taught me to my relatives, mother, and children. I’m really very thankful because of you. If it weren’t for you, my life would have been wasted.
Many problems came to me until the time that I wanted to go back to my previous Born Again religion. But I had even more problems and I felt shy, lacklustered and became alone.
My former classmate, who is a member here in The Old Path [the Church of God], invited me here one time.
I tried it and was enlightened, until the time came that everything that was happening to me was being answered in the indoctrination sessions. I felt it was a blessing to me.
It didn’t happen in just one day, but perhaps in those seven days, my questions were answered. Actually, I also lost my job. I asked a sign from the Lord that He was really calling me.
The seventh day arrived and I proved Him to be the One who was really calling me. I set that day and I was really convinced [of the doctrines]. Everything Bro. Eli said was so very clear.
The first time I attended [indoctrination], it was as if Bro. Eli clearly saw what was happening to me. It was already answered there: how to pray when troubles come. It’s clear, and the Bible Exposition as well. It’s clear to me. I was enlightened.
It’s like my problems were solved. As was said, seek the Lord and you’ll see for yourself that He will not forsake you. This is it. Many, many thanks.
At first I felt afraid because it says [in the Bible] that we shouldn’t turn back. But then I heard Bro. Eli saying that we should investigate and then choose.
That’s when things became clear to me, that we have a choice, and that you’ll really feel whether the baptism is true or not because it will manifest in the life of everyone. All my questions were answered here. I’m really thankful.
Many, many thanks. I hope that you’ll be able to enlighten many more people, be able to lead many more people. May the Lord always guide you wherever you may go.
The teachings are good, clear, biblical.
I’ve actually seen him [Bro. Eliseo Soriano] on television before, but I wasn’t able to tune in to it much.
Then, my co-worker and I always talked to each other, until I became curious because I was learning so much from her than from my pastor. I told her that I would come with her.
We were sharing [about religion], and I was being amazed by how much she was able to share with me. I learned a lot from her so I got curious.
My questions to her were about the Bible, as I really want to be biblical. So when I got to the locale, I liked it very much already. The doctrines were surprising, very pleasant and really true.
It was very nice; this is really a first. I was baptized in another religion before but this is different. I was still a teenager then. I felt like I was just immersed then, unlike here wherein I fell really blessed.
Of course many thanks because God used him for the words that we haven’t heard from others to reach us. May they always take care of themselves.
At a time in my life when I had many problems, my nephew invited me to a Bible Exposition and a Bible study. And I just found myself saying yes to him.
I weighed what I heard and felt somewhat enlightened. My children would stop me from [listening] but I didn’t let myself get hindered.
It feels light inside.
I hope that [they] will be able to help many more people like me to join them.
All I can say is that I’ve truly accepted Him as the true Lord. He has cleansed my sins.
What I can say about the doctrines is that what Bro. Eli Soriano says is really good; it’s the true religion. That’s all I can say.
I felt like crying, and I can’t explain it. I was trembling and crying. I can’t say it. Perhaps it’s the Holy Spirit. I’m happy and I feel light inside. But I just really can’t say it; I truly can’t explain it.
All I can say for them is that may there be many more brethren who will join the Church, The Old Path. Happy birthday to Bro. Daniel as well.
Bro. Nilo: When I came home to the Philippines [from the Middle East], my family was in a Born Again group. The names of our churches were different: theirs were Love of Jesus Mission Church, ours was Church of the Living God.
There came a point when there were many Born Again groups in our place, and my aunt and our neighbors and us talked about just becoming one group here in the Philippines.
Now, I had some questions in my mind that lacked answers. So I talked with different religions like the Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Seventh Day Adventists, the Baptists. I was able to learn a little something from each of them.
I even met an Austrian who was a Jehovah’s Witness. He was short. He married a Filipina and he invited me to their place when he went for a vacation in our place.
I admired his study of the Bible as he had many Bibles of different versions, even online. He has Greek and Hebrew translations. A few of my questions were answered, but it wasn’t complete.
So when we had cable television installed, I found Bro. Eli Soriano’s station and tried to listen to it. I listened and listened until I found that all of my questions have been answered.
Sis. Sonia: I was the one who saw it and told him about it. We were looking for TBN. That’s Trinity Broadcast Network.
Bro. Nilo: That was one of my questions, about the trinity. No one could ever answer it. When I asked a pastor – he was even called a doctor of theology – about it, I didn’t get a satisfying answer from him.
He told me, “Just don’t listen to those people [who questioned the said doctrine].” I didn’t expect such an answer from him, so I didn’t bother to ask him again.
It’s because I asked him who taught such a teaching? From whom did it originate, because it’s not in the Bible? That’s something that I learned from Catholicism, and even when I became a Born Again group member it’s still there. Now, I only learned [the answer] from listening to Bro. Eli Soriano.
Sis. Sonia: I feel light. The night before I said, “Why is it like this? Why does my chest feel heavy?” I wasn’t thinking of anything, but I didn’t sleep as soundly.
It’s like the enemy is causing you to have second thoughts. But I toldy myself that, whatever happens, I will really continue [with God’s help]. It’s just the enemy that’s making me feel like this.
Bro. Nilo: I feel okay. I feel good.
Bro. Nilo: I thank Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel because the Lord used them. The questions I had that other sects could not answer have been answered.
Sis. Sonia: I also thank them both, Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel because my mind has the more been enlightened.
You will really keep the teachings and doctrines in your heart and mind, and you will not disregard them because they’re truly in the Bible, in the words of God. You’ll realize that [it’s] the right path towards holiness and salvation.
I’m also thankful that our place was used for indoctrination. I hope that it will be used because we are willing. There are many who are in need of salvation. Though it’s small, we are willing for it to be used.