Read short testimonials of faith from some of MCGI’s youngest brethren baptized on November 22, 2013 at the ADD Convention Center.
Bro. Anjo Versoza, 32, Former Catholic, Pampanga Province
On Being Baptized
Many changes happened in my life. At first, I had a lot of vices. But as Bro. Eli has said that vices should all be gone in Ang Dating Daan [Church of God International].
That’s why I got baptized because I really want to know the truth in the Bible, where you can see that [the teachings] are really written there. What Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel say are really of great help to me because I had a lot of vices.
After I was immersed, my feeling changed. Also, in everyday be it in work or in other things, the Lord is with you. Wherever you go, don’t forget the Lord. Always have faith; always call on Him.
I’ve been to many religions but it’s the same, I still had a lot of vices. But as Bro. Eli said, if you will really follow what’s in the Bible, you will not do evil; you will not steal or anything. Your life will be well, if you will really obey God in your service.
On MCGI Leaders
There’s nothing to say about Bro. Eli, especially since he is helpful to others, even the whole of Apalit benefits.
First of all, I thank him because if there weren’t the The Old Path, I wouldn’t be here. People would have no program to hear words from that are really based in the Bible.
I hope that Bro. El will always be healthy, that he won’t get sick, so the whole of the Philippines can hear him daily.
Bro. Aurell Christopher Manalili, 23, Former Jesus Miracle Crusade Member, Davao City
On Being Baptized
I feel as if my heart was enlightened, my mind … I was under sins before that I couldn’t leave behind, as I was not a member of the Church of God yet wherein I am one of those who will follow the commandments of God freely, happily.
I’ve been hoping that for a long time, until only now that perhaps, God willed it for me to lead a new life, a new start. I’m really very happy that I am a brother now.
I got to listen on television. My papa just told me to watch it [The Old Path]. Then I got interested until I watched it continually. I listened to it as many questions have been answered already in the Itanong Mo Kay Soriano (Ask Bro. Eli) program.
On MCGI Leaders
Bro. Eli, Bro. Daniel, many people thank you, and I’m one of them. You have truly been the way for us to [change], for our heart’s desire [to come true].
Many people now who are sinful really search for goodness, who to follow, who to be like. You have been a good model for us as you have really taught us the teachings of the Bible; you really showed them all.
You didn’t conceal any word of God that all the people of the world should hear. You really read to us what we need Bro. Eli. I’m thankful that God made you an instrument. In our time, you will have many enemies to face. There are a lot of evil forces now that want to rule the world.
Bro. Eli, may your health be better; take care of it. May you be stronger in the things that [you will face] in your life, the same with Bro. Daniel.
Bro. Rogel Culaton, 29, Former Born Again, Manila
On Being Baptized
I feel light, as if all my problems are gone and I feel close to God.
When I was in high school, my kuya [older brother] listened to The Old Path. I don’t know if my kuya is already a member or not, as he is a seaman abroad.
I got to listen through TV, radio. [Bro. Eliseo Soriano] taught the teachings clearly, and all my questions got answered through those who asked him in [his program].
On MCGI Leaders
May they continue what they are doing. May they never stop.
Bro. Alvin Santos, 25, Former Catholic, Bulacan Province
I’m happy because for the longest time that I’ve been listening [to The Old Path], it’s only now that I got baptized, that I became a member of the true Church.
I got to listen through radio when I was young, but I didn’t understand it well then. It’s only now, since about two years ago, that I really understand it.
I just searched [religious programs] on radio. I compared their teachings, and I’ve proven this [Church of God International] to be the right one.
On MCGI Leaders
Bro. Eli, I’m thankful for someone like you, as well as for Bro. Daniel. You are unlike any other, and I hope your life will be longer that you will be able to help many more people, lead many more souls.
Bro. Ralph Joshua Dionisio, 18, Former KNC, Manila
On Being Baptized
I feel peaceful, and not always worrying on what’s going to happen.
I’m happy as well because my parents are already members so I am now with them to give thanks and serve [God].
I’m thankful first of all to God because my parents obeyed His commandment to teach us in the way that we should walk in from our childhood; until now, we haven’t strayed from that path. In other words, it’s here we stayed, where we grew up. This is what we obeyed until we grew up.
Though I worked as an actor, I attended the KNC (Children’s Ministry) gatherings, so it wasn’t difficult for me.
On MCGI Leaders
May God take care of them always because I have many friends and people I know whom I hope will see [Bro. Eli] also, will hear him. I hope that I will meet him someday as well.
Bro. John Joseph Vallarta, 20, Former Catholic, Aurora Province
On Being Baptized
I’m happy because it’s like I have a new life; that’s what happened.
I got to listen [to Bro. Eliseo Soriano] on television. My girlfriend’s mom is already a member and I went with them [to gatherings]. I saw that Bro. Eli’s program was good, and I got encouraged to join.
Before the indoctrination sessions, I got to attend at a community prayer after the storm [Yolanda]. What they did was good.
On MCGI Leaders
I hope that their lives will be longer and may they [lead] many more people. May God bless them.
Sis. Annie Chua and Sis. Perla Armamento, 57 and 56, Former Catholics, Manila
On Being Baptized
Sis. Annie: It was like I was given a new life.
You will really feel Bro. Eli’s teachings. The transformation [it brings] is very [apparent]. It didn’t take me a long time [to believe].
Actually, it was just a couple of months ago through television. Nobody invited us. We just flipped the channel every now and then. After [seeing it], we always listened to it. We attended the indoctrination sessions together.
Sis. Perla: We were Catholics before. In the spoofs of Brod Pete, they were like [imitating something], but I wasn’t aware that this existed.
I was in the Catholic Church for many years. Since elementary, I studied in a Catholic school, until high school. But I really saw that there were many errors, so though I was Catholic, I didn’t observe their practices.
Sis. Annie: I started high school in UST, until I graduated college there. We always studied Catholicism, but I never really had an experience wherein the Bible was being read to us. We never read the Bible.
Only in this later part of my life that I said, “I want to seek the real word of God.” In Catholicism, we heard the Gospel through the first and second readings, but it’s only up to that point; there was never really a study of it. That’s why my attention was caught by the Bible Expositions of Bro. Eli.
In Catholicism, we just follow whatever the teachings are. So whenever I attend and Bro. Eli teaches parables, and the differences of religions, and when he answers, he really goes to the Bible with the correlated verses, it validates the information that the words of God are really true – nothing more, nothing less; direct to the point.
So I got really encouraged. Every time I flipped the channel, I just look for his [ The Old Path program]. Sometimes, the channel lineup gets mixed up, so every opportunity we get, we really like to listen.
On MCGI Leaders
Sis. Annie: Firstly, I thank God because I found him through Bro. Eli, through his teachings.
Before, it was only my husband who I see watching, and I didn’t think much of it then. However this June, I really tuned in to it. I really watched it continually. I have watched his Bible Expositions and his Truth in Focus.
Sis. Perla: May they be given longer lives so that we can learn much more. We are also thankful because he really spends his time to educate everyone about the word of God, and in really spreading the word. You can really see his dedication in it. I think that’s what draws people, His words. I hope we’ll get to see [Bro. Eli] as well.
Bro. Pablo Juanito, 58, Former Catholic, Manila
On Being Baptized
I’m happy and I feel light. I’m now old. Before, I thought that the Lord was forgiving my sins, but it was only the priest. My belief was wrong. It’s only now that I knew the true forgiveness of the Lord.
On MCGI Leaders
Their intentions and explanations are good. All they teach are true. That’s all and thanks be to God.
Bro. Michael Versaga, 30, Former Born Again, Manila
On Being Baptized
Now that I’m baptized, I know that it’s going to be hard, but I must do it because my soul depends on it.
It’s not my first time to be baptized as I experienced that in the Born Again. However, their manner of baptism was not good. Here, before you get baptized, you are first shown of what you are going to join; it is being explained.
There, when I was baptized, it was just like normal, because they didn’t explain what you need to do or what’s going to happen. They said that you were baptized, that you were born again, but what do you understand about it? It was just like taking an ordinary shower. But having spirituality? It has none.
It was my wife who has been listening to The Old Path for some time, and she wanted me to listen to it. One time, she was able to watch the Ask Bro. Eli program and she liked it. Whatever is good, she made me listen to it. So it would take us till in the wee hours of the morning just listening to it.
Then after a week, we lost connection, so we turned to the Internet and were able to listen to Ask bro. Eli. All were good; all were taken from the Bible.
The doctrines eventually became clear to us. Which is why when I was baptized, I really cried because I had committed many sins. I can’t explain how I wasn’t aware that I was sinning. I knew the other sins I was making, but the other ones, I wouldn’t have if I hadn’t heard them.
That’s why I’m really thankful that I found the true Church that I need to join. So I’m really glad and thankful to the Lord that I found it. I will do everything needed, because if you don’t, you know where you’ll be and it’s going to be very hard.
When I was baptized, it was a different feeling, not only in the flesh, but also in spirit. You will really see that you’re different; you’ll see change. I’m really thankful to the Lord. The Lord really willed to lent me strength that I may do the other things I need to do.
On MCGI Leaders
Bro. Eli, Bro. Daniel, many, many thanks because the Lord used you. You preach well and I pray that you continue this, so you may lead many more souls in this Church. Because of all the churches I’ve seen, understood, and heard, this is not false because all the [teachings] are from the Bible, and not just from someone else’s imagination or idea, that whatever comes to their mind they will teach.
All that you say are from the Bible, and that gives me joy because the Lord used preachers like you, Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel. Many thanks to God.