Read short testimonials of faith from some of MCGI’s youngest brethren baptized on November 15, 2013 at the ADD Convention Center.
Bro. Ricardo Nueda, 41, Former Catholic, NCR
On Being Baptized
I feel really, really light, and it’s as if all the things I bore in my life are gone.
The first time I listened to Bro. Eli was on radio with my wife. She and my children are already members; I’m the late one.
On MCGI Leaders
First of all, I thank God; secondly, to Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel for their preaching. I hope that they will continue what they are doing so that many more lost souls will be saved.
Bro. John Efrain Palma, 21, Former Catholic, Laguna Province
On Being Baptized
I’m happy and I feel relieved.
I’ve heard him [Bro. Eliseo Soriano] on TV a long time ago but I was just busy with my studies. But now, I’m already a graduate. My relatives and two uncles are members of the Church.
The things that Bro. Eli said, I never heard from Catholicism. What he says are true and that’s what convinced me to join here.
On MCGI Leaders
My message to Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel, may they continue doing what they do, and may they live longer.
Sis. Thereza Vargas, 44, Former Born Again, Cavite Province
On Being Baptized
I feel so happy and so light, and I feel really enlightened. That’s what I felt, as if a big load from my previous life has been lifted from me.
My views and my speech have also been changed. Before I was quite wordy. But when I started attending The Old Path or the Church of God, I became restrained when I speak. Many changes took place.
Whenever I went to work, my husband always watched UNTV. Until I went home, he still watched it. He was actually the first to become a member. Then I asked him, “Why is that important?”
My husband always had brandy at home. Almost every night, he had a shot of it; he was a bartender before. But since he attended the indoctrination sessions, I didn’t see him anymore drinking.
Many things changed in him so I got really convinced. [I see it] in his actions and speech. Before he was talkative, but now he’s quiet. He says that he doesn’t want to speak much because he might sin.
On MCGI Leaders
I’m thankful and I [hope] that they stay strong so they’ll be able to help more [people]. When I go home, I’m going to see on the Internet about updates in the Church of God, so I’ll always be informed of works of the ministry.
I thank Bro. Eli because he’s so humble. When I saw this place, I almost cried because it’s so huge. If Bro. Eli would exchange this for money, he would be very rich. But he chose to encourage people to know God. I always pray for his strength, as he is old already.
Sis. Shiela, Dilig, 30, Former Catholic, Bataan Province
On Being Baptized
I’m happy and it feels like as if I’m among the clouds right now.
It was actually my husband who was listening to him; I’ve been listening for only a month now. But then I saw that I was gaining knowledge in the Bible, in the word of God.
On MCGI Leaders
May the Lord will for their long lives that they may encourage and teach many more people the words of God.
Sis. Mary Grace Magpantay, 16, Former Catholic, NCR
On Being Baptized
It feels good inside because I feel that my sins have been forgiven me.
My parents brought me to the locale as they are members already. I didn’t attend the KNC [Children’s Ministry] as I didn’t like it then. Actually, it’s only now that I attended. I really liked the teachings. It’s as if I got enlightened of the things that I never heard nor understood before in my previous religion.
On MCGI Leaders
May they continue what they do as they will be helping many more people.
Bro. Jeofrie Dupra, 17, Former Catholic, NCR
On Being Baptized
I feel good, and as if I’ve been born again.
My aunt who is already a member invited me [to attend] and I got persuaded. I liked it. It was really only then that I heard Bro. Eli, in the indoctrination session. [Eventually] I got persuaded by the teachings of Bro. Eli. All I know is that when I started going to the locale, I went there nightly.
On MCGI Leaders
May they have longer lives so that they will be able to each many more like me, that their lives may be transformed as well.
Sis. Maricel Mararac, 35, Former Methodist, NCR
On Being Baptized
It feels different; I feel light. It really is different and I feel the Holy Spirit [in me].
My brother has long been a member here, and he has been inviting us [family] since. Then, I spent my vacation at his place in Novaliches, as I’m from Malaria. Then, he invited me.
I only got to listen to Bro. Eli that time, in the indoctrination sessions. I liked his teachings, message to people. He doesn’t beat around the bush, very direct to the point.
On MCGI Leaders
I hope that they continue, and may our members multiply more.
Bro. Domingo Obra, 55, Former Catholic, Laguna Province
On Being Baptized
It feels really good; I feel really light.
I’ve been watching Bro. Eli on television since the 90’s. I can’t remember the channel anymore but I watched him more when [The Old Path] was already on UNTV. Then, I just really felt that I wanted to be indoctrinated already, so I started.
On MCGI Leaders
For Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel, they’re really good and trustworthy. Thanks be to God.
Bro. Edmund Sto. Domingo, 61, Former Catholic, Rizal Province
On Being Baptized
I feel like a load is off me; I feel light. I also have peace of mind.
I’ve been listening to [Bro. Eliseo Soriano] on radio since the 80’s. Then perhaps it’s the Lord’s will that my family and me are now here with Bro. Eli.
On MCGI Leaders
I am thankful to both of them because the Lord used them for us to be edified and truthful in faith.
Bro. Rodolfo Lucas, 67, Former Baptist, NCR
On Being Baptized
Well I’m so glad and I feel so happy and I feel unburdened [and have] the desire to be part of the work of Bro. Eli and the Church of God, [I believe that] despite the fact that my youngest brother is a layman pastor of the Fundamental Baptist Church.
He was the one who introduced me to be a Baptist when I was in Laog. I still told him actually that the best and the clearest and broadest and the truest faith that we can get from the word of God is from Bro. Eli Soriano and Bro. Daniel.
Before, I dreamt of Bro. Eli last November last year, November 2012. So I wanted to join the Church of God because of that dream I had. Because I saw myself attending a Bible Exposition of Bro. Eli and I asked a copy of the Holy Bible from him with his autograph. I requested him to sign it, and he obliged. He gave me a Bible with his autograph.
When I was still in Naga maybe 9 years ago or so. I got to listen on DZRH that time, but it was on and off. But when I had to bring my youngest son to the Philippine Science High School about 2004, I once in a while tuned in to DZRH. I listened to Bro. Eli, and I found him to have the most… the deepest, the broadest, the clearest knowledge about the word of God.
On MCGI Leaders
Well, considering that this is the 33rd Anniversary of his work, of their work I should say because they are two, congratulations to them and I wish them the best of the blessings of the Lord our God. They really are the true preachers in our country today. It should be that all Filipinos be members of The Church of God. That’s my message to them.
Bro. Zander Kent Am-is, 24, Former Catholic, Manila
On Being Baptized
Actually, I’ve been listening to Bro. Eli on radio and television for a long time. So I said, when I graduate, I will really try to be indoctrinated, until the time came. I learned everything from the doctrines.
Now, all the heavy things that I always bore were lifted from me – all the sorrows and bitterness that I had for the longest time. So you’ll really know that what you feel in your heart is true.
On MCGI Leaders
To Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel, may they continue to strive for… with God’s mercy, may they reach many more people like me. A lot has really changed in my attitude, and in my way of life. Before, you only think of yourself; now, may we reach many more with God’s help. I hope to be a part of it, to help a little.