Read short testimonies of faith from some of MCGI’s youngest brethren baptized on May 31, 2013.
Bro. Sherwin Pilon, 33, Former Catholic, Manila
On Being Baptized
I listened through the TV program and before I remembered the “Ang Dating Doon” segment on “Bubble Gang.” That was a long time ago. It was there that I got curious as to who they were imitating.
I feel happy because I was already baptized. I’m happy in the sense that I know I did the right thing. I know that I am in the right religion.
Before I was like a lost lamb looking for the truth. I was dissatisfied with what the priests taught, the same thing over and over again. I felt like I wasn’t learning anything.
Now, I finally learned about the verses in the Bible. Although it was hard to understand at first, in the end I was able to discern why other religions do not fully disclose the truth — because they have hidden agendas. It’s really difficult to do what is good.
On MCGI Leaders
Many people misinterpret Bro. Eli. If they would only try to understand, everything has its reason.
For example, even if you see a person on TV having an argument with someone, it’s because he knows what is good. It’s like how one reprimands his child when he did something wrong. You cannot avoid getting a little mad. That’s just my opinion.
Bro. Baylon Rom, 53, Former Catholic, Bataan Province
On Being Baptized
I liked watching the TV program [The Old Path] on Channel 37. It has good teachings, so I told myself that I would go on with baptism. I even said to myself that I hope after being baptized I would not be tempted again, God willing.
It’s good, so if people are really looking for the truth, I think we should not look for another. This is it.
On MCGI Leaders
Thanks because of them I am finally here. That’s all I can say – Thank you very much.
Bro. Reymar Gonzalvo, 29, Former Catholic, Laguna Province
On Being Baptized
I feel good because now I know what I have to do, which I didn’t learn when I was still a Catholic.
On MCGI Leaders
Thank you. I thank Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel because if not for them, my soul will not have a chance for salvation.
Sis. Marites Gonzalvo, 29, Former Catholic, Laguna Province
On Being Baptized
I feel happy because I am now part of the Church of God. I feel very happy.
On MCGI Leaders
First of all, I wish good health for Bro. Eli so he can convince more people with God’s help. I also want to thank God for Bro. Eli. Because of the Lord, I was able to listen to how he reads the Bible. I understood a lot about the Word of God. It was through it that I learned God’s teachings.
Espallardo Couple, Former Catholics, Manila
Bro. Alvin Espallardo: I feel refreshed with all the things Bro. Eli said during indoctrination. I fully understood what he said, as to what we need to respect, who we should worship, and the proper way of worshipping.
I also learned that we should acknowledge our true Father, and that is He who is in heaven.
Sis. Aiza: The first time I listened to Bro. Eli was actually when I was still a child; I was 10 years old that time.
We had only one TV set in our house and my older brother would always watch [The Old Path] program. I had no choice but to just watch with him.
I started watching regularly until it became a habit of mine. There was this really good feeling while watching. It was really different. You will surely be enlightened by the Word of God.
On MCGI Leaders
I hope Bro. Eli continues, which I know he will really do.
I want him to have a longer life, the same for Bro. Daniel. That’s what I always ask God. I pray for it because I want him to be able to preach to other people that haven’t really heard the word of God.
That’s what I really hope for, that they will be able to continue in that even my children and grandchildren will learn the word of God.
Bro. Godofredo Stamaria, 65, Former Catholic, Manila
On Being Baptized
I am thankful because I was changed and I found the true church: the Church of God.
I have been listening to Bro. Eli for quite some time now, but I haven’t paid much attention to it. But it was like a calling to me, like I felt something with his answers to people’s questions. They are all true and all are written in the Bible, so I really believe in him.
On MCGI Leaders
I hope Bro. Eli will be able to guide more people. I hope that His words — which are only truth — will remain and grow in people. That’s the only thing I wish for him, to lead many more others.
Sis. Jhoanna Marie Paira, 16, Former KNC, Bulacan
On Being Baptized
I feel delighted because I can now serve the Lord. Even though I’m still young, He gave me a chance to join the congregation, for me to walk in the right path.
On MCGI Leaders
I hope they can continue preaching in different places, that they be able to preach the Word of God, and that the Lord give them strength to do so.
Sis. Katrina Mae Flores, 15, Former KNC, Bulacan
On Being Baptized
First of all I thank God because he gave me parents that guided me to the right path that teach me and will show me the true Church.
I am really happy! I feel true delight in the heart because at last I was able to return to Him and that He called me to have a deeper meaning in my service to Him.
On MCGI Leaders
I thank God for giving us an amazing preacher. I know, with the mercy and help of God, what he is teaching us is really the truth and justice, and the laws that we should know as children of God.