Read short testimonials of faith from some of MCGI’s youngest brethren baptized on March 27, 2015 at the ADD Convention Center in Apalit, Pampanga.
It’s because of the preaching. I believe this is the true [Church], because this is where I found what I was looking for in the Holy Scriptures. That’s why I got baptized.
Someone invited me to a [Bible study] in Kalayakan. He came to our house and invited me to become a guest [in a Church gathering]. I agreed to go with him as he was also my friend.
That night, I learned that the answers to questions are coming from the Bible. I said, “This is good.” When you ask, [the Bible answers]. I believe it is the truth. That’s why I got baptized, because of that truth.
I already heard it [The Old Path] in Manila at my children’s house in 2014. However, I didn’t pay attention to it because I thought, “It’s on TV. It’s just marketing.”
Then, I became an Elder Lahi member. It was the one with the supposed “holy oil,” but it was just nonsense.
So when I saw this, this preaching, I [decided] to be baptized. As far as I know, I believe this is the truth, because to all your questions, it’s the Bible that answers. So I believe this is the truth. Well, not believe, I know it’s really the truth.
When I was baptized, I felt I had changed, especially during the baptism proper; I felt a really great change.
It’s like I forgot everything that had happened in my life. I used to be a constant swearer – to my grandchildren, to my children. Whenever there’s a problem, my mouth would utter heavy speech.
But a while ago, I have forgotten everything. I asked for forgiveness before I went into the water. I was interviewed [by the baptizer] before being immersed. I told the interviewer that “[I know] all of my sins. I will ask for forgiveness from the Lord Jesus Christ. I got baptized that I may be forgiven.”
When I pray, I will include them in my prayers, and this entire group: the Church of God. I will include everyone in my prayers: All the brethren and non-brethren.
I will also pray that I may also able to encourage those who are not yet inside the Church to join. May God and the Lord Jesus Christ enlighten their hearts that I may be able to bring them here, even few by few.
I have a friend, who also happens to be my neighbor, who asked me one time: “Are you doing anything later?”
I replied, “Nothing. In the morning until the afternoon, of course we have our jobs. From 4 pm till nighttime, I’m already free.”
“Perhaps you’d like to go with me to Kalayakan. We have a Bible study in the Church of God.” I told him, “Brother, I will go with you as there’s nothing wrong with that.”
You won’t be able to invite me to birthdays or if what we’re going to do is just sin; I won’t indulge in those kinds of occasions. However if it’s something like that, which is not bad, then why not try it?
In other words, I went with him to the Bible study, until I got fond of, rather, loved hearing the words that the [Church Workers] were speaking there. I don’t remember [their] names though.
When we were going home [after the first time we went there], my friend asked me what I felt about what I heard. I said, “I feel okay, because all of us want what is good.”
He told me that we would go to a larger locale [for indoctrination]. I said, “Sure. Who are we going to be with there?” He told me that it was a Bro. Ariel. So I went on with [the indoctrination].
However, I got delayed one day and I told them, “I won’t be able to attend this time as my aunt has a problem. I will attend to her first. I will return for the next session.” They told me it was just okay.
In short, I made up for the session that I missed. I said, “I will [continue] listening to Bro. Eli’s preaching.” And I did continue. As Bro. Eli said in his program [The Old Path], you should continue listening. So I went on to finish the indoctrination. At the end of the day, what’s important is I am here now.
I told my friend, “Brother, it’s really, really different to see a religion with unity.” Because we’re used to… me being a Catholic then, when I go to mass, I go whenever I wish; every man for himself, as is said. But here… oh, the difference is great.”
Now after I got baptized, I told him, “Brother, this is a great relief in my life.” He asked, “Why?”
“When I got immersed – the problems, the enemies, the ill feelings I had – I got rid of them all before I got into the water, so I really feel a great relief in my being now.” You feel really, really clean. That’s what I feel.
For me, that feels like a great load has been lifted off my chest. As was said, [you’ll] be forgiven. So I said, “Thank You.”
I pray that we all will be saved from every danger, that our lives may be longer. Many thanks.
Apart from the fact that I was invited here, it’s because of faith; my faith in the Lord returned.
It [started] before on radio, then on TV while setting up the channels. But the one who invited me is Bro. Dinky Doo. He was the one who invited me to go to a Prayer Meeting at first. Then, Bible Expo; after that, the indoctrination. I continued with it because I liked the doctrines.
[On his faith in the Lord returning:]
I was very lost. I had no urge in attending mass. There was a time that I didn’t want to speak to God, even at times when I had problems. Sometimes, I didn’t want to even approach Him because I feel that I’ll just fail in doing so.
Now, in my entire life and I’m turning 42 already, it’s only now that I knew the words of God. As they say, “Closed-up Catholic.” There’s no such thing, because they don’t teach you anything.
Well, like I said, I was invited here, and there’s already a few brethren whom I have been in life with. They are different, really different; they’re true people.
It’s not just because they said “Thank You Lord.” The way the help… they help without remuneration. What they can do, they do it to help, even though I wasn’t their brother yet when I met them.
So those are the main reasons why I even… I went to that Bible study at first. I just wanted to see it. I want to see the Church. I was surprised to see that there was a TV [program].
Even though [Bro. Eli’s preaching] is through internet or whatever, through cable, in the locale, it still feels personal. It has no bearing wherever he is, what’s important is that what he says is true.
It feels good. It feels good inside.
Many, many thanks for the doctrines, for explaining the teachings of God. More power. God bless.
I became a member of the Church of God because this is where I saw the true Gospel. I also feel happy and joyful every time I am able to hear the teachings of Bro. Eli.
Be it a Prayer Meeting or Thanksgiving, I really feel the teachings of Bro. Eli [in my heart] whenever I attend. Also, I really see that everything he preaches is based in the Bible.
It was through television [that I began listening]. At the same time, there was a brother, who is also [now my] brother-in-faith who invited me. I have been listening to Bro. Eli through his program Ang Dating Daan [The Old Path], but not regularly.
However lately, just this February or January, someone invited me to a Bible Exposition; after that, to the indoctrination. So I attended continually since then; I didn’t have any absents.
A while ago when I got baptized, oh, how I really felt so happy! It feels so good knowing that I have been baptized in the true Church. Also, I didn’t have any moment back there when I didn’t cry. I really was crying to every… even to the songs, I was crying.
For Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel, much, much thanks for the teachings that they continue to spread not only here but in the whole world. And I hope that the teachings of Bro. Eli will spread the more in different parts of the world.
I hope that he will be given more opportunities, a longer life, that God willing, he and Bro. Daniel will have more strength to continue spreading the Gospel.