Read short testimonials of faith from MCGI’s youngest brethren baptized on June 7, 2013.
Bro. Mark Angelo Centeno, 22, Former KNC, Bulacan Province
On Being Baptized
After I was immersed, I felt free and my heart feels light. I really feel that I’ve been freed from sin and I’m very, very happy that I joined the Church of God, the true Church of God. I was a KNC before but now I got baptized and I really feel true joy in this life.
On MCGI Leaders
Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel, keep up the good work, and may God always guide you. I hope that the work of salvation will spread even more. Thanks be to God.
Bro. Nigel Gene Pacis, 36, Former Catholic, NCR
On Being Baptized
I really feel that this the true Church: No second thoughts, no questions, no doubts. Actually, I didn’t want to go under indoctrination because I wanted to be baptized already, but of course we follow the process. All I can say is that I’m in the true Church.
I was really hard-headed before. Then I read the Bible and there was a big change in my life. Then, those things which I lost eventually returned to me. The bonus part was that those people who wronged me, all of them apologized to me.
Then, my mother and father loved me again, which I never thought would ever happen again, and it’s because the Holy Spirit helped me.
On MCGI Leaders
I hope that Bro. Eli continues to do what he does. May he never give up because I believe that this is the true Church. When I was young, I smoked heavily. I was about 15 or 16 years of age, when I heard Bro. Eli.
He was the only pastor I knew who said that it’s prohibited to smoke. I was very angry at him for that. Ang Dating Daan (The Old Path) was on Channel 13 I guess back then and I said, “This man is crazy. You can’t read anything in the Bible that it’s prohibited.” But then I read the verse in Galatians, and I said, “So it really is there.”
So I really hope that Bro. Eli won’t tire because we will support him and we’ll help him spread the Gospel so that all people will reach the true Church of God.
Bro. Ariel Seroyla, 20, Former Born Again Christian, Cavite Province
On Being Baptized
I’m from a Born Again religion. My experience today wasn’t like in my previous affiliation where there was still something that my heart looked for. There were many unanswered questions before because our pastor lacked explanations.
Actually, I didn’t just join the Church. I watched for over a month on television. I was in a Born Again group for over three years. Now, when our pastor prohibited us to watch the Ang Dating Daan (The Old Path) program, that’s when I decided to see it. He used to say, “Never ever watch Bro. Eli because once you do, you will get lost.” Actually, he always mentions it.
But I saw many people asking questions and getting the answers based on the Bible. That’s the difference of the Church of God from the Born Again.
It’s a very great difference because the Church of God says what is written. Whereas, the Born Again just read a little, and they explain it according only to what they know, according to what their thinking is.
On MCGI Leaders
Many thanks to Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel because now I know the teachings that are really from God. Thank you because you’ve been instruments for people who are lost in various religions. Thanks be to God.
Bro. Nico Sacdalan, Former KNC, Cavite Province
On Being Baptized
I’m a son of a brother in faith, my father. Almost all of us in the family are members already, except for my mother. I hope that someday she’ll be able to listen that we may all be here in The Old Path, that we may all be happy together here.
On MCGI Leaders
I hope for Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel that you’ll have a longer life and that you may be able to help many more souls, including my mom. I wish that our whole family will be here.
Bro. Raymundo Batoctoy, Former Catholic, Rizal Province
On Being Baptized
I’m really glad; I feel really happy with my baptism in the Church of God because I have seen the truths that I have heard from Bro. Eli Soriano and Bro. Daniel Razon.
I attended Bible Expositions before, at the Araneta Coliseum even. I listened to Bro. Eli Soriano as he debated with pastors. I also saw that he read [the answers] of all those who asked him questions.
He bases it all in the Bible. He doesn’t invent, nor beat around the bush. All he says are not from his own, but are from the Holy Scriptures.
On MCGI Leaders
I hope that their ministry may spread more, that they may be well and have long lives. So that the whole world may hear his good teachings from the Holy Scriptures.
Sis. Analyn Capili, 30, Former Catholic, Rizal Province
On Being Baptized
I feel light inside. I never thought that despite the many, many sins I committed, He can forgive me that easily. I’m really very happy with what I’m feeling right now. Though I know that there will be hardships, I’m not worried because I know that the Lord is there to guide me. As long as He’s there, everything’s going to be easy.
On MCGI Leaders
I hope that Bro. Eli will have more life so that he may be able to help many more like me. The same with Bro. Daniel. I hope that the Lord will give them good health, and I hope I get to see them someday.
Sis. Maribel Aquino, Former Born Again Christian, Rizal Province
On Being Baptized
I’m happy and excited because I felt the Holy Spirit in me. I felt my sins were removed.
On MCGI Leaders
I thank God because they [Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel] are there to preach God’s words for the salvation of men. They don’t tire in spreading the words of God even though some don’t pay attention to them. I’m thankful for them.
Sis. Nerissa Obsina, 37, Former Catholic, NCR
On Being Baptized
I felt as if I’ve awoken in truth. I realized how worthless my old life was, how worthless those 37 years of my life were.
Then, when I heard him [Bro. Eliseo Soriano], I avidly watched the program. I then underwent indoctrination, and here I am.
At first, I didn’t want to get baptized because I thought of it as a big responsibility, such that I may not be able to handle it with my job and my family. I’m the only one in my family to join here.
But still I fought for this. I went on. Then, after I was baptized, it was a different feeling. It’s like I was new.
I really wish that my family will be here with me someday. I hope that I’ll be able to show them how much what I joined in has changed me.
On MCGI Leaders
I hope that the service they [Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel] do here will prosper even more so that many more people will be enlightened.
Sis. Marites Delgado, 30, Former Catholic, Manila
On Being Baptized
It’s a great honor for me that Bro. Eli has taught me the good and right Word of God. I’m also thankful that God willed for me to be baptized because it’s really a different feeling.
I feel really light. Before, I lived in the wrong path. Now, I feel a different kind of joy upon my being baptized.
On MCGI Leaders
I hope that they’ll have more life. May God will for them to preach and spread the right doctrines to people like me who have not heard the teachings of God. Bro. Eli is really a true servant of God, and what he teaches us is right.
Sis. Evangeline Ayuma, 18, Former Catholic, Batangas Province
On Being Baptized
I feel happy because I feel as if my sins are gone. I’ve been listening since I was a child because my brother always brought me to gatherings since I was twelve years old. Then, when we went back to Batangas my brother brought me again. That’s when I decided to be baptized.
On MCGI Leaders
I hope that they’ll keep on preaching to those like us who, at first, did not know what to do. We barely knew the words of God because in my former religion, all I understood was the sermon of the priest.
For me, I just hope that many more people will be enlightened that their hearts and minds will see light that they may be good as well.
Sis. Kyrah Tasic, Former KNC, Bataan Province
On Being Baptized
It’s as if I feel really light and all the wrong things I’ve done are gone because I really believe that I’ve been cleansed by baptism.
I’m thankful that my parents always brought me to the locales. They have also been instruments of God for me to be able to listen [to the doctrines]. And now here I am, baptized.
On MCGI Leaders
Thanks also to God because He used them for countless people to hear and know the doctrines.
(Photo Credit: Rovic Balunsay, PVI)