Read short testimonials of faith from some of MCGI’s youngest brethren baptized on June 6, 2014 at the ADD Convention Center in Apalit, Pampanga.
Bro. Eleahjah Modelo, 17, Former KNC, Pampanga Province
On Being Baptized
It was a very light feeling, happy. I often go with my mom during Thanksgivings and Prayer Meetings and Church gatherings. I was eight year old when I started being a KNC.
On MCGI Leaders
Thank you for providing a way for us to listen to the teachings of God. May you help more people and may they return to God’s grace.
Bro. Arnel Averilla, 58, Former Seventh-Day Adventist, NCR
On Being Baptized
I feel a really big difference now compared before as though my mind is in a tranquil state.
When I was an Adventist I wasn’t paying attention to it [The Old Path]. But one night, when I can’t find anything good to watch on television, I tuned in to Bro. Eli on UNTV. Then I got interested in what he was saying. It became continuous, as in everyday I listened to him. I listened for seven months then I texted the number of the coordinating center that was shown on TV.
On MCGI Leaders
Thanks to both of you and for the enlightenment that you bring to people.
Bro. Abbialvon Macalino, 19, Former Freelancer, Pampanga Province
On Being Baptized
Compared to before, I feel lighter now. My family introduced me to it [The Old Path]. My relatives are members; they invited me to listen and my parents are members too; My mom has been [a member] for less than a year.
On MCGI Leaders
Thank you very much. Thank God for someone like you that teaches the word of God and the same with Bro. Daniel.
Bro. Arnel Amboang, 21, Former Born Again, Pampanga Province
On Being Baptized
It feels good and light because I’ve accepted the true religion.
When I was in Muṅoz, I was invited by one of the brethren there, I was invited to attend, saying that it was for my own salvation. When I got there, I was encouraged to be a member and when I had the chance I did. It was good, the teachings that Bro. Eli preaches. It gives this heart-warming feeling when you listen to it – the truth.
On MCGI Leaders
Thank you for everything, you’ve helped us so much; especially with the teachings from the Bible that we have learned from you.
Bro. Mark Garcia, 24, Former Roman Catholic, Cavite Province
On Being Baptized
I’m full of joy.
It started when I worked in the factory. I was invited by someone from work to attend the Bible Exposition. When I listened to the holy teachings that Bro. Eli Soriano was preaching, I said to myself, “This is exactly what the Gospel is.”
Eventually they lent me CDs and I’ve continuously watched his shows on UNTV 37. It was after a year when I finally thought that why not be a member too so that I can fully continue my service to God.
On MCGI Leaders
Thank you very much for your continuous guidance, for guiding people to the right path to salvation.
Bro. Lucky Galano, 30, Former Protestant, Laguna Province
On Being Baptized
I’m happy now, and finally I’m with those who are really in search of the good teachings of God. Because we really found the truth, unlike others out there who are just making up their teachings; there’s no basis at all.
I watch [UNTV] Channel 37. I see the way he [Bro. Eliseo Soriano] teaches; you see the truth in there.
I’ve been listening to Bro. Eli for a year now; I was still in Cavite [since the first] time. Then I moved to Laguna, and there I asked how to be a member.
I attended one [Thanksgiving on a] Saturday, and they told me that indoctrinations would start soon. They encouraged me to attend; I figured I have nothing to lose, so I did. And from start to finish you’ll really see the teachings of God in there.
I remember that every time I passed by the coordinating center, a lot of people would tell me, “No! Not there.” But I mustered all my courage, because I know that this is the truth. It’s biblical.
On MCGI Leaders
Thanks to you my knowledge about the Bible broadened. All that you are saying is the truth; I can see it, and I can read it.