Read short testimonies of faith from some of MCGI’s youngest brethren baptized on June 28, 2013 at the ADD Convention Center in Apalit, Pampanga, Philippines.
Bro. Andrew Lozano, 27, Former Catholic, Bulacan Province
On Being Baptized
I’ve actually been listening to Bro. Eli Soriano since 1998, but it was only last two weeks ago that I underwent indoctrination. I feel happy because many things are about to change.
On MCGI Leaders
I hope they’ll have more life so that they’ll be able to lead and help many more.
Bro. Raffy Bayot, 22, Former Catholic, Bulacan Province
On Being Baptized
I’m happy because with God’s mercy my mind was enlightened, because for the longest time that I’ve been listening to Bro. Eli’s teachings, it’s only now that I realized that all of them are right.
I regret that it took so long but I’m thankful because this day finally came that I’m in the true Church. You see, my parents have long been members. But as Bro. Eli said, the devil will try and take you away. That’s why I’m really happy that I was able to listen to Bro. Eli and be enlightened.
On MCGI Leaders
Thanks Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel because of you, many souls will be saved, because you preach the true Church of God.
Bro. Emmanuel Vinas, 47, Former Couples for Christ, NCR
On Being Baptized
I really feel light. It’s as if I’ve just been born because I used to bear much. I can’t explain it, but it just feels good, and really light. It feels like something was gone.
Actually, I’ve been listening to Bro. Eli Soriano on television since 1983. I said, “This is different,” because he has explanations about the earth and such. I used to tape it and listen to it while we worked in the shop as we crafted metal.
Time passed and I forgot about Bro. Eli for a time, until I got married already. I then became a member of the Couples for Christ. I couldn’t understand it, but I didn’t feel good when I was there.
One time, I was listening to Radyo Veritas when I turned the dial and it went to Radyo La Verdad. Then I said, “Wow, this is Bro. Eli!” I listened continually from then on. Then when I turned on the TV, I saw that there was already UNTV on Cignal, because before there wasn’t.
On MCGI Leaders
I wonder why in his many words, and even though the questions to him are repeated and repeated, Bro. Eli doesn’t tire. Truly, the Holy Spirit is with him. I pray that he’ll have more life. He’s really a pastor unlike all others. Bro. Eli, thank you very much, and may you be able to preach more with God’s help.
Bro. Renato De Jesus Jr., 17, Former Catholic, Cavite Province
On Being Baptized
There was a brother and I saw him watching [Ang Dating Daan or The Old Path]. It’s as if I was urged by the Lord to watch it, so I watched it until I listened to it everyday and [realized] that what the Bible says is really right.
What I can say now that I’m baptized is that what happened in my life was really good. I’ve attended many religious gatherings. I’m a Catholic, but I sometimes listened to Jehovah’s Witnesses, to Born Again groups, and many others.
However, it’s only here that I felt different. When I entered the baptistery, I felt different; it was really pleasant.
On MCGI Leaders
Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel, really many, many thanks to you because if it weren’t for you, I would not have really known the Lord and be here in the Church. My only request of you is that you take care of yourselves. I hope that the Lord will always bless you. I’m really thankful to you, and most especially to the Lord.
Bro. Romel Segumalian, 35, Former Catholic, Iloilo City
On Being Baptized
It’s hard to say what I feel, but I feel happy and it’s as if my burdens were taken away from me. I feel relieved, and my tears can’t help but fall; it’s hard [to explain].
On MCGI Leaders
Bro. Eli, I hope you’ll be able to help many more, and I hope that he’ll be in health. Let’s pray that he’ll have more life.
Bro. Jose Loder, 33, Former Catholic, Iloilo City
On Being Baptized
All I can say about this new life that I have received is I’m very happy and joyful. Before I knew about this [Church], I was on a ship, so I was very excited to come home and be baptized.
I got to listen to Bro. Eli Soriano on a ship. There was a brother there. It started in one day in October when I got to listen to him.
In my whole life, it was on a ship that I found Ang Dating Daan (The Old Path) and I’m really happy. It served as my entertainment until my contract was finished. I was really excited to come home here in the Philippines because of it.
On MCGI Leaders
My message to Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel: May God will for your preaching the word of God to prolong. Many thanks to God for this day that He has given us.