Read short testimonials of faith from some of MCGI’s youngest brethren baptized on June 13, 2014 at the ADD Convention Center in Apalit, Pampanga.
Bro. Arnel and Sis. Lilibeth Matutina, 46 & 41, Former Catholic, New Zealand
On Being Baptized
Bro. Arnel: Inexplicably happy. I started listening to [Bro. Eliseo Soriano] a long time ago; perhaps, not earlier than 1995. It wasn’t regular though. There were times that I would get off from work, and I would be able to watch him.
Sis. Lilybeth: I feel happy as well. [I got to listen to Bro. Eli] when he became my husband. I listened, and I found it to be truthful.
Bro. Arnel: We came from New Zealand; we listened to Bro. Eli through the Internet, on Youtube, mostly his debates.
On MCGI Leaders
Bro. Arnel: May God guide him always. I hope he can lead more people inside the Church. He’s an instrument for people to learn about the truth.
Sis. Lilybeth: May God always guide him. Many, many thanks that we were able to listen to his preaching.
Bro. Dante and Bro. Razel Bardon,43 a nd 29, Former Catholics, Laguna Province
On Being Baptized
Bro. Dante: I feel free from hardships, unlike before when I didn’t seem to have direction. Now, there’s a big change.
Bro. Razel: I’m happy. I felt relieved. I was able to listen to Bro. Eli through television.
Bro. Dante: My knees were trembling [when I was being baptized]. As I knelt down underwater, I felt like there was something inside that left me. [At first] there was something violently out of control inside me; I couldn’t understand it. Then, when I opened my eyes, everything felt new. My being felt lighter.
I’ve been listening to Bro. Eli Soriano for about five years now. My wife encouraged me to listen, and I told myself to study what he’s teaching. If he’s telling the truth, I will follow, I said.
While I was listening, I realized that his teachings are true. I was a former Catholic and their [teachings] were repetitive. Here in the Members Church of God, you will learn a lot of things in the Bible, and it’s complete. Bro. Eli teaches well.
On MCGI Leaders
Bro. Dante: May they continue propagating God’s words. They are well-versed about the Bible; they’re the best.
Bro. Razel: May they continue their propagation works.