Read short testimonials of faith from some of MCGI’s youngest brethren baptized on July 3, 2014 at the ADD Convention Center in Apalit, Pampanga.
Bro. Joshua Buere, 30, Former Catholic, Rizal Province
On Being Baptized
I’m [surprised] because there’s a lot of change. I mean, the evil things that I thought of before are like gone.
The former deeds in your heart that you once had were gradually washed away, so I really feel different now.
It was perhaps in 1997 that I first heard [Bro. Eliseo Soriano], when he was still preaching in cities. I just saw him before, but I couldn’t ask him then. He was already popular, especially when Bubble Gang, Ang Dating Doon aired. That’s when I started listening to him, on SBN 21.
There was someone who invited me here, but I just didn’t have time. But when I had a major depression, my friend invited me and I was amazed by the [Thanksgiving] topic.
The topic was really for me; it was said there that you should cast all your problems [to God] and He will not forsake you. So, so far, so good.
On MCGI Leaders
Just continue doing the right thing and good health as well. I hope they’ll be able to serve for a longer time, that many more souls will be enlightened about the wrong way they are treading. I hope they’ll be enlightened.
Sis. Annalyn Malong, 27, Former Catholic, Manila
On Being Baptized
I’m happy because it’s a different feeling. It’s like what Bro. Eli said that you’ll really feel that you have changed.
There’s really something different; the feeling is just different. It’s just like what was said in the Special Prayer Meeting, what an inexplicable feeling it is to be baptized.
I’ve been seeing him [Bro. Eliseo Soriano] on television, but only while changing channels. I also see him on the Internet; I saw him on Youtube.
The doctrines are truly of God. It’s really based in the Bible, unlike in my former religion. There were some things tackled there, but not all. It’s like it was selective. Here, everything is transparent. You’re told what you must and musn’t do.
On MCGI Leaders
I’m thankful because they are still there to guide the brethren. May they be given more bodily strength by the Lord, that they may be able to serve us and encourage the people to learn the doctrines.
Bro. Pascual Pacheco, 41, Former Methodist, Nueva Ecija Province
On Being Baptized
It’s pleasant. I feel lights; it’s like many things have changed.
I’ve been indoctrinated thrice, but it’s only now that I continued with the baptism. The first one was last year, and this year, I underwent twice.
I have a friend who is a member of The Old Path [the Church of God]. We work together. I help him; he helps me.
He invited me to attend in their services. I found it appealing; the explanations were really well, and you’ll really see that everything said is the truth in the Bible.
The doctrines are really good; they will really be settled in your mind. If you don’t feel them, you’re numb.
On MCGI Leaders
Bro. Eli speaks well and is good at explaining. Everything he said is good, [same with] Bro. Daniel. May their lives be longer, and may many more people be able to listen to their words.
Bro. Ronell Ilinon, 34, Former Catholic, Cavite Province
On Being Baptized
It’s good. I can’t say anything about it.
I was able to watch [Bro. Eli Soriano] on television, and also with the help of my brother; he encouraged me.
I’ve been listening for a long time, about two years already. But I wasn’t able to go on with it because our television signal is sometimes not good.
My brother said to me to just listen, and see whether it’s good or otherwise; see whether you can prove that this is the true religion.
So he let me continue listening. Then I said [later on], “Good luck with other religions that also led me, because I never heard from them, what I heard from Bro. Eli.”
While I listened, it was a different feeling. I said, “What I’m hearing is different.” I have a neighbor also listened, and there was also someone who invited him [to Church services]. He already went ahead of me in becoming a member.
My wife and child also came home. We were supposed to be indoctrinated together, but then there was no one to man the store. My wife also went away [so I had to] look after our child during vacation time.
She was baptized ahead of me. She was included in the Mass Baptism. They were many, about more than a thousand. I just came after her.
I thank my brother who wished for me to find the true religion, so that I can pursue leading a new life.
On MCGI Leaders
I hope they will continue their works that they may be able to lead many more people like me.