Read short testimonials of faith from some of MCGI’s youngest brethren baptized on July 17, 2015 at the ADD Convention Center in Apalit, Pampanga.
We [she and her family] started listening on TV. We watched him [Bro. Eliseo] and listened to his words about God.
We watched him for three months. Afterwards, we immediately sought The Old Path. We really searched for it ourselves and didn’t confide with other people. We found the locale in San Isidro Dos in Paombong, Bulacan.
Bro. Eli explains well the words of God that’s why we decided to join here.
I’m elated, of course!
I hope that they will have a longer time in serving people across the whole world. Thanks be to God!
I started listening because of my workmate as he is a brother-in-faith. I’m a soldier, and he introduced the program of Bro. Eli to me.
I have watched it on television since then. Sometimes, when I was alone, I would go up to [my room] and watch it on my tablet. There are channels that my tablet is able to pick up.
Bro. Eli’s preaching is different. You will really see that what he says is true. You will feel it.
I read the Bible, and as I listen to the verses, I read them at the same time. That’s why I decided to get indoctrinated.
I experienced some hindrances while I was being indoctrinated, like those coming from someone who is of a higher rank than me at work. But with God’s mercy, I was able to continue. You just really need to have faith in Him.
Actually, before I came here last night, one of my children didn’t go home immediately, and there was no one else to take care of my other children.
I was worried at first [that I might not be able to attend] because my wife also worked. But I thought it good to let my faith go to work. It’s like when the Lord Jesus Christ told Peter to be strong in faith.
I feel happy. My life was changed because of my listening [to Bro. Eliseo]. I was cleansed; I had a great change in me.
I have finally attained the true faith. I feel different now that I have been baptized.
Thanks be to God for them. Because of them, I was able to hear sound doctrine.
I hope that the Lord will give them more strength to be able to preach that they may be able to reach many more people, so that the true faith will be propagated and that many more will worship God.
I have long been listening. Now, for the longest time that I have been searching, I didn’t know where I could go.
I asked about [a locale] as my wife didn’t know one too. It turned out, the one I have been looking for is just near [referring to the Locale of Paombong]
I saw here all the truth that I did not see in other religions. Ever since I was a… I really didn’t feel this emotional relief in my being then.
Of course, it’s like my being has been changed. I feel that all the errors I have committed… [Cries] It’s only now that I felt like this.
This is why I’m greatly thankful that I was able to listen to Bro. Eli. That is when my consciousness, my emotion was awakened.
I’m thankful for being baptized. I feel that my life has changed. That’s all.
I hope that the minds and paths of many more people will be enlightened.