Take a look at short testimonials of faith from some of MCGI’s youngest members baptized on July 12, 2013 at the ADD Convention Center in Apalit, Pampanga, Philippines.
Bro. Darwin Epres, 36, Former Catholic, Cavite
On Being Baptized
I’m really happy because I’ve accepted the whole doctrine. I’ve been listening [to Bro. Eliseo Soriano] on television for about nine years now, until I lived near a locale and that’s when it started.
Then I had friends who are members of the Church of God, and that’s what convinced me. I said to myself, “Church of God members are really different.” With God’s mercy, they invited me. I said that this was something I just used to regularly pass by, and it took me years and years before I realized that I should’ve entered it long ago.
If only I knew how a good a feeling it was to be in the Church, that after baptism you’ll know that you’ve been forgiven your sins, that you were cleansed already. You’ll feel different because as Bro. Eli said, you’ll have the Spirit to help you in doing good.
It feels really good to obey God now since I’ve spent a long time in doing worldly deeds, and I really wanted to end those already. With God’s mercy, I did, and I thank the Lord because I know that He loves me.
It’s easier to obey God because you already have the Spirit to help you. We alone, we cannot do it.
On MCGI Leaders
I hope that Bro. Eli will have a longer life, a really long life so that he may still be used by the Lord in service that he may save many more souls in this time. To Bro. Daniel, I hope he continues his program on radio, as I often listen. I hear him on Radyo La Verdad 1350.
Bro. Roderick Misa, 29, Former Catholic, Laguna Province
On Being Baptized
I’m really happy that I was able to attend the indoctrination sessions and am now baptized. I feel really light and I know this is the beginning [of my service to God].
Before, I just watched on television. Then I had workmates who are members and they explained things to me about the Church. When there was a live Bible Exposition, I went there and I said that I would just investigate. After that, I asked, “How do I get indoctrinated?”
With God’s help and mercy, I was able to finish the indoctrination sessions. It gave me such a huge relief, especially now [that I’m baptized].
On MCGI Leaders
I hope you’re in a good condition, and may the Lord God always guide you. You have helped so many people in preaching the Word of God. I can’t say anything but thanks also to Bro. Daniel. I realized so many things.
Bro. Relvin Mangle, 21, Former Catholic, Pangasinan Province
On Being Baptized
I watched on Youtube Bro. Eli’s debates; one of the very first was his debate against an atheist. That was the very first one I saw, and it got me so interested that time that I almost didn’t sleep at night [laughs].
My nights were spent on watching his debates until I realized that I’ve watched the very last video [on Youtube]. So that’s how I ended up in the Locale of Rosario in Pasig, Manila.
On MCGI Leaders
I hope that people like me will hear the things that you teach. Because while you are here on this earth, many people will be saved. Bro. Eli, Bro. Daniel, and all of the brethren are always in my prayers.
God bless. I hope you’ll live longer and may there be many more like me who believes in your words.
Sis. Josefina Mesa, 61, Former Catholic, Laguna Province
On Being Baptized
I’m happy because when we were in another religion, it’s as if our lives weren’t good.
My eldest is actually already a member here. Before, we just ignored and laughed at him when he invited us to attend.
Now, I invited my husband to be here because he’s already old and sickly as he had many vices before. He had many sins, and now I was able to bring him here with me. He was also baptized today.
Before, we were already given a good life: our children were regulars in their jobs and all. Until, everything was gone; perhaps, also because of their father’s sins. We weren’t able to stop him, not even speak to him about it; he was always angry.
Then, he became sick. Since he was unable to do anything and was always at home, he was able to listen to Bro. Soriano. In the end, we requested that we be indoctrinated in our house.
We were happy because since he started with the indoctrination, he’s not noisy anymore; he’s lowly to our children. May the Lord bless us.
On MCGI Leaders
Bro. Eli, thank you for your explanations. We were really enlightened. We feel relieved. Our children already started indoctrination, although they weren’t able yet to finish it due to their jobs.
Bro. Jovito Combo, 42, Former Catholic, Rizal Province
On Being Baptized
I can’t explain the way I feel. I don’t know what to call this feeling. But it’s really different, unlike ordinary feelings.
If it weren’t for Brad Pete’s [main character in a parody of The Old Path program on the gag show Bubble Gang; played by Isko Moreno, imitating Bro. Eli] popularity before, I wouldn’t discover the Ang Dating Daan show. I said, “What’s that?” Until I learned that it’s like that.
Since then, I found myself always listening whenever there’s a chance. And I never thought that the point would come in my life that I would be indoctrinated. It’s really hard to explain.
At first, I didn’t believe in things like that. For me, my life was just study, work, go to church. I just believed in God. So I really didn’t expect this, that I’m here now, and I have a new birthday.
On MCGI Leaders
Bro. Eli, I’m really happy. I used to think that you were just pedantic, and I never thought that I would now be here in the Church of God. I’m ready to obey and persevere [to do good]. Long live Bro. Eli.
Sis. Yolanda Sason, 37, Former UCCP, Palawan Province
On Being Baptized
Oh, I feel so happy! I’ve been longing to be baptized since the 90s, but my parents objected then.
But with God’s help and mercy, my sister is now a member, as well my aunt and my first cousin. Now we want to change, and have a simple life with fear of God and our family whole.
With the many things that happened in my life and it was chaotic and all, I never thought that I would meet God again. My life is happy again since I’ve accepted God in my life. He’s really the Savior. With God’s mercy, we remain strong, have our lives and the [chance] to make it right for God.
I feel light and relieved because all the wrong things I’ve asked God to forgive, I can feel his forgiveness. I said to myself, “I feel free.” I felt freedom, and it’s not freedom only of my earthly body, but of my spirit as well.
On MCGI Leaders
I am thanking with my whole heart, firstly, God. Secondly, to Bro. Eli because he truly doesn’t teach the Bible wrongfully, but every word he says, he reads from the Bible to preach to all men about it. Thanks be to God!
Bro. Allan Sason, 38, Former Catholic, Palawan Province
On Being Baptized
My in-law, who is already a member, invited me to attend prayer meetings and other Church services, and I got interested and listened to the topics Bro. Eli discusses. That was the start of my eye-opening experience, until I decided to be undergo indoctrination and be baptized.
I thank the Lord God because I became a member in the Church through the preaching of Bro. Eli. My mind feels relieved, and I feel light.
On MCGI Leaders
I thank Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel and all the workers, and of course I thank the Lord God. He is the reason behind all this. All I can really say is many, many thanks!
Sis. Carlyne Ramos, 18, KNC, Pangasinan Province
On Being Baptized
I’m thankful because it’s my second time to be indoctrinated and finally now my baptism has happened. I was a KNC (Kawan ng Cordero) before. My aunt always brought me to gatherings.
On MCGI Leaders
I hope that the Lord always guides them and may He add more days to their lives. I really, really want many more people to learn from them, to understand the doctrines.
Sis. Cecila Espina, 75, Former Catholic, Bulacan Province
On Being Baptized
It’s nice and I’m happy. Oh how tears fell from my eyes because of so much joy. I cried and I cried until I was immersed, and tears kept flowing. When Bro. Eli was speaking, I said, “Lord, forgive me.” I had so many sins before, as I’m also old already.
On MCGI Leaders
I’m really, really thankful to Him above, because if it weren’t for Him in the heavens, I wouldn’t be able to see Bro. Eli Soriano; I wouldn’t be a member here. I was crying and crying when he [Bro. Eli] spoke. I really cried a whole lot.