Read short testimonials of faith from some of MCGI’s youngest brethren baptized on January 31, 2014 at the ADD Convention Center in Apalit, Pampanga.
Bro. Alvin Requinto, 40, Former Catholic, China
On Being Baptized
Like many others [here], I have received an inexplicable, unfathomable feeling. God is truly great.
I thank Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel for the very good preaching. It is proof that this is the House of God and the Lord Jesus Christ who lead the brethren. Thanks be to God.
I worked in China. I’m an OFW (Overseas Filipino Worker). I’m alone in my apartment, so I searched for a (stress) outlet after work; I want to relax at the same time.
I wanted to watch TV. I really missed Philippine programs. That time, I downloaded to my cellphone applications with television [programs] – one of which is UNTV. That’s where I watched.
I also went to Then I emailed, asking where an MCGI locale was or a coordinating center. Then after about two days someone contacted me there. I’ll be returning to China, God willing.
On MCGI Leaders
For Bro. Eli, may the merciful Lord lengthen his life, make him stronger. Although He knows everything, this is what someone like me wishes for.
I’m thankful for so great a reading and preaching that is from the Bible. The verses he gives, they are so enlightening to the heart and mind of someone like me who seeks the truth, who seeks the true Church, the true brethren. For Bro. Daniel, his projects in MCGI, in UNTV are [admirable].
On Being Baptized
It feels good. I feel good, because the baptism here is different. It’s complete. What Bro. Eli said is true, nothing more, nothing less; it’s just complete.
My companions before were also members. I watched through UNTV. That’s where I listened [to Bro. Eliseo Soriano].
After I came back from the Middle East, I started listening already. That was about 2009 or 2010, continually.
Whenever Bro. Eli speaks, apart from the Bible, sometimes about your sickness he [tackles] about health, medicine, everything. You can’t ask for anything more from him. It’s like he’s “all in one.”
On MCGI Leaders
For Bro. Eli, firstly, may the Lord lengthen his life. May there be many more who will learn [his preaching], be really helped.
To Bro. Daniel, may his public service, UNTV, [continue] to help the needy. Then, good health also.
Bro. Kenneth Dabalos, 20, Former Catholic, Rizal Province
On Being Baptized
I feel okay. I feel cleansed.
Almost all my parents and siblings are members already. I’m here at last so we can be [together] now.
On MCGI Leaders
May he continue, and his health be [good]. I always watch him on television, on UNTV. May he continue spreading the good news from God.
May there also many more people that we can help, especially our poor brethren.
Bro. Rommel and Sis. Mary Dades, 40 and 32, Former Iglesia ni Cristo, Bataan Province
On Being Baptized
Bro. Rommel: We were really called [by God]. We heard the preaching that’s true.
Sis. Mary: I feel like a new person.
Bro. Rommel: Before, I watched basketball games. But when I heard him, I always searched him on Channel 37 [UNTV]. Then my nephew invited me to listen to the doctrines.
Here you’ll really feel the things that you have never felt before. When we were immersed, we cried. It’s what they say, “Happy birthday,” because everything felt changed.
On MCGI Leaders
The doctrines here are very different from those of the [INC]. The teachings we heard here, what Bro. Eli says are not of his own thoughts.
Bro. Reynante and Sis. Maricel Mariano, 30 and 28, Former Born Again Members, Cavite Province
On Being Baptized
Bro. Reynante: Even when I wasn’t baptized, yet, I was already decided. I’ve long wanted to become a member here, but there were many hindrances.
First there was my job, then opportunities. So when I had a good chance, I took full advantage of it.
My relatives objected to my getting baptized here. They said that they [MCGI] don’t have churches in Bro. Soriano’s congregation.
But as I heard in his doctrine, we don’t need [physical] churches. What’s important are those gathering.
So I really felt even then that God was really looking for me already. But opportunities, parents, relatives were the odds that were against me. So when I was having problems at work, I asked for a sign.
I resigned from work because I didn’t really like what I was doing. Because there was deceit in it, and that was one of the main reasons why I left it and why I pursued my search for the Church of God in the Bible.
Sis. Maricel: I heard Bro. Eli on radio as my husband listened to him daily. It’s great; it’s good.
My husband is a fan of Bro. Eli, and me too. I said, “Right. He’s really good. For every question, it’s the Bible who answers. So that’s what’s right. That’s what’s true.”
On MCGI Leaders
Bro. Reynante: May their lives be longer that they may continue to teach the true teachings in this world, that we are in the true Church.
Sis. Maricel: May the Lord give you longer lives that you may serve the brethren, and share the words of God. We’re thankful that we heard your [preaching]. We heard the words of God because of Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel. God bless.
Bro. Jason Alcantara, 19, Former Catholic, Cavite Province
On Being Baptized
I feel free, different from what I felt before. I was baptized when I was a baby, so I had no knowledge of what happened then.
I felt light. It’s like you’ve been cleansed. It’s like a new you.
My sister discovered The Old Path, and her husband as well. They were the ones who introduced it to me. I was attending [Church gatherings] even when I wasn’t baptized yet.
On MCGI Leaders
May they keep it up as they give a good influence to every person. Also, it’s really a great help spiritually. I can also say that they helped me know myself.
Bro. Albert Brace, 29, Former Philippine Independent Church Member, Cavite Province
On Being Baptized
First of all, praise God. I thank God because for the longest time, despite [that] I’ve been serving in a wrong religion [before], I still found the true Church. Many, many thanks.
I got to listen to [Bro. Eliseo Soriano] in 2010. I tuned in to the program of Bro. Eli by accident. That’s when I started watching UNTV.
On MCGI Leaders
May the Lord God continue to help them. May He give them longer lives that they may help and lead many more in the right religion, in the right Church.