Read short testimonials of faith from some of MCGI’s youngest brethren baptized on January 16, 2015 at the ADD Convention Center in Apalit, Pampanga.
I heard the true teachings of God. I learned the word of God through Bro. Eli, and by always listening to [Ang Dating Daan or The Old Path] on UNTV, on the Internet. That’s where I got persuaded [to join].
Actually, it was just an accident. In about 2003, I just happened to switch the channel there, and I got to listen. I doubted at first because I didn’t understand it. But as I continued listening to Bro. Eli, that’s when I saw the light, the real word of God.
Nobody invited me. I just went to the Locale of Dolores. I asked this from God. I wasn’t satisfied with my former religion; it’s like, I was confused, like there was something missing.
I prayed and I just found myself suddenly thinking about what it was like listening to Bro. Eli. Because of Bro. Eli, I heard the true word of God. Then, it’s as if my two feet just carried me to Dolores.
It’s funny because I didn’t have any background about The Old Path [the Church of God International]. I just went there and said that I would join. It was a Worship Service then on a Sunday. That’s why when they were asking me if someone had invited me, I told them “No one. It’s my own decision.”
It’s as if I didn’t feel any pain. During the indoctrination sessions, I went through a heavy trial. Actually, I felt as if I wouldn’t be able to go through with the baptism. But with God’s mercy, I was able to finish it.
The emptiness I felt is gone. Though the trial I faced was painful, I felt that all of [the pain] has gone away. I don’t feel it anymore. It’s like you’re at peace already.
I hope that someday I will get to know them, see them. I pray to God that He may guide me that I may last here. As Bro. Eli said, there are many trials, many things that I will go through as I walk here.
The reason is deep. When I went to Saudi, it’s Bro. Eli’s words on television – that I got to hear only twice – got imprinted in me.
I attended Born Again, Jehovah’s Witnesses gatherings there, but I could never forget the words he said that have entered [my heart]. It was in 2007 when I was in Saudi. There were many religions that invited me. I would go with them, but I never got baptized.
It felt so light, even lighter.
I hope they may continue. May they be far from perils and from evil things that they may continue helping us in our faith in the Lord for us to be able to continue until the end, until our salvation.
Since I was a child, my mother would always have a radio by her side whenever she took care of me, and she would listen to Bro. Eli.
As time went by, my two older brothers became members as well, except for me as I had a hard time then accepting the doctrine on modest apparel.
Time came however that my two big brothers invited me [to attend Church gatherings]. I didn’t let go of the opportunity of God calling me. I didn’t want to miss that, so I joined as well.
It feels good inside. The burdens that I felt before, I really feel have been all washed away. I also had palpitations before baptism, but afterwards I felt relieved. I also repented of my sins.
May they continue with their preaching works, and may they be able to encourage many more unto this religion, because I know that this is the right one.
I felt that the Lord was calling me, because I felt that I had so many sins.
My sickness became a way for me to be closer to Him, so I pursued [becoming a member].
It was on television that I saw it [Ang Dating Daan or The Old Path]. Sometimes my tuning in would go on for a while. I felt that He was calling me.
It has been on for a long time: Ask Bro. Soriano. I have heard about it and would sometimes view it briefly. One time, I saw that the topic was good and felt that there was a good message in it. I felt peace.
In my heart, it’s like I felt so much anger. But after they immersed me, I suddenly felt unburdened. Then the hurt I felt in my body was relieved.
May you continue with your good works towards our fellowmen and in preaching. Many, many thanks.