Read short testimonials of faith from some of MCGI’s youngest brethren baptized on August 8, 2014 at the ADD Convention Center in Apalit, Pampanga.
On Joining the Church of God
My reason is because learning is little there in my former religion that the pastors taught. There are many things in the Bible that people need to know that are not being taught.
I was born a Protestant in Negros. Then when I worked here in Manila, this is where I became a member of the Baptist group. So even when I was young that was already [my religion].
My husband bought a satellite. That’s where I was able to watch [Bro. Eliseo Soriano]. Night and day, I listened to him.
I’ve been listening to him for a year since the first time. But I’ve long seen heard about him. My pastor there said that Soriano is good in his program, but over-the-top. Though, I didn’t really know then as those were just hearsay.
But Bro. Eli’s teachings are good, biblical. So whatever their knowledge of Bro. Eli is, is wrong. That’s when I stopped worshipping there. I just tuned in to [The Old Path] program.
In May, in July, I didn’t go to our former church. The pastor told me to return. But thankfully, Bro. Eli [answers] questions whether you’re backsliding by not worshipping in your former church anymore. So long as you’re listening to the right one, leave behind the wrong organization you were formerly a member of.
On Being Baptized
It felt good. I felt disgusted of the former things I did.
On MCGI Leaders
I’m thankful that I found them, and the Lord truly used them to take me out of wrong beliefs.
On Joining the Church of God
I’ve long been listening [Bro. Eliseo Soriano], as I am fond of listening on the radio. Whenever I hear Bro. Eli’s program, the [teachings] are really good. [A first] I wasn’t that interested, but when I heard about it through my mother and father, I got more interested.
I really [readied] myself [for today]; we’re already four in the family [who are members]. God willing, may my siblings be able to join us as well, and may I be able to encourage my friend to join.
Ever since I went home to Bulacan, after so long a time, I got to listen [to The Old Path] again. I got the more interested in it to the point that I would sleep late every night [listening], and every morning the radio would just be on. I didn’t turn off the radio, and I also watched on UNTV, but it was usually on radio.
On Being a Classmate of Bro. Daniel
[We were classmates] during my first or second year in high school at CEU [Centro Escolar University] in Malolos. He’s really intelligent.
On Being Baptized
It felt somewhat light, and for me it’s like “This is the start,” I said to myself.
On MCGI Leaders
I hope they continue in propagating about the words of God. I believe that God gives Bro. Eli strength to be able to continue.
On Joining Church of God
When my children were still young, my husband always watched [Bro. Eliseo Soriano] on television.
I would wake up at around 3 or 4 am, and I would ask him, “Why are you still awake?” “I’m watching The Old Path,” he replied. I said, “Our electricity is just being spent on that.”
Since we have many children, I didn’t have time to investigate religions as we had a business. But him, he wanted it. When our children grew up, they wed Ang Dating Daan [The Old Path] members. But even when they were still single, they were already members already.
Then, even when we haven’t attended yet the indoctrination sessions, I saw that I liked the explanations of Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel than the Catholic’s.
On Being Baptized
I had stroke actually. I felt light inside. Nobody forced me to join, [and] I felt unburdened. That’s why when I was being asked during our last doctrine in Bulacan, whether I would go and be baptized I said, “I’m ready to be baptized.”
On MCGI Leaders
I hope their lives be longer that their propagation of the Word of God expand.
On Joining the Church of God
Actually, I have long wanted to become a member, but my work is quite complicated.
That’s why when Bro. Nestor went to Sis. Rodora’s house, my wife got invited [to attend a Church service]. So I said, “Just go. There’s no problem with that.”
Then when I was invited to attend a Bible Study, I said, “I have long been listening to Bro. Eli Soriano. I said I wanted to attend the indoctrination sessions.” I didn’t know that what we were going to was already, so I said, “Okay then. What else is there to think about it? The [opportunity] is already there.”
I’ve been listening for about 10 years now. [Bro. Daniel Razon] was still a newscaster then at Channel 4, before he went to Channel 7.
On Being Baptized
Actually I wasn’t thinking of anything. My mind was blank. I felt like a newborn baby. It felt light.
On MCGI Leaders
I hope their lives be longer that they may be able to help many more people, many more souls will join [the Church].
On Joining the Church of God
It’s clear here. I listened to it [The Old Path] only radio. I listened and it’s clear, and it’s true.
I have a workmate; he is quite aged already. He is a member here and we’re close at work. Sometimes I would go to his place, and attend prayer meetings with him. I’ve been listening [to Bro. Eliseo Soriano] for a month now.
On Being Baptized
I feel so light, and I cried. It’s like much heaviness was removed from me, from my mind, as sometimes there are anxieties. Now they’re gone.
On MCGI Leaders
I hope they continue propagating the holy word of the Church.
On Joining the Church of God
In the Church of God, I learned the real truth, and faith, and the testimony of the members that God is really true. Because what I learned in the Bible, they base it there.
I also learned the true value of the Lord Jesus Christ, our God. I really felt His true presence. I really [set] in my life that he is truly the first and last one I’m going to worship: Our Lord God.
On Being Baptized
I felt somewhat serene, like the heaviness in my heart became light upon being baptized.
I learned about [Bro. Eliseo Soriano] through the Internet, and with the help of a Church Worker. Then, I was able to listen to the truth through a website []. The worker is my friend and neighbor.
On MCGI Leaders
My message to Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel, may they be able to go on preaching for a long time, and may others receive teachings that are from the Bible, here in the Church of God.