See short testimonials of faith from some of MCGI’s newly baptized members on August 16, 2013.
Bro. Mauricio Miranda, 34, Former Born Again, Laguna Province
On Being Baptized
Actually, it’s like a wish come true. I really wanted to be a member long time ago, but I just didn’t have the time. I got hindered by my assignments to different places that I couldn’t concentrate on or complete a week’s worth of indoctrination session. But now, God willed it. Thank God.
I’ve been listening on television, on UNTV for some time now. Though I didn’t stray away [from watching]. Now, however, I feel that my being a brother in faith is finally official.
On MCGI Leaders
To Bro. Eli, I am truly glad that you’re able to guide people like us, that you lead us to righteousness, to correct teachings, and the same with Bro. Daniel.
In spite of everything we know, we can see that money is not the priority here as compared to other [religions]. More power to both of them. God willing [I hope], we will all be together until the Lord returns.
Bro. Melvin Castillo, 37, Former Catholic, Batangas Province
On Being Baptized
Here, I could say, that I’m in a righteous path. I just followed my father’s footsteps, my deceased father. He was also a member of “The Old Path.”
I saw him changed. I was Catholic and I saw the changes in him. He used to have a lot of vices and now they’re all gone. That was what inspired me to be a member of “The Old Path” [the Church of God].
On MCGI Leaders
My message to Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel: I hope that your group’s mission to mankind will continue and that you’ll be able to convince more people like me to join the Members Church of God International. Thanks be to God for them. I am now a member of the Church.
Sis. Charisma Untalan, 38, Former Catholic, Batangas Province
On Being Baptized
It’s like I’ve never had peace of mind until now, because there always seemed to be something missing before. Also, you feel very, very light after (being baptized). The many questions I had since I was a child were all answered. I used to be Catholic.
The last time we attended (Catholic mass) was in year 2000. In 1998 we were already freethinkers. We weren’t quite convinced with our (religion). So there, we’ve been like that for a long time.
On MCGI Leaders
Please continue your wonderful works because you are helping a lot of people, especially souls. We will pray for your good health, yours and Bro. Daniel and other ministers.
Sis. Gloria Rufino, 73, Former Catholic, Mindoro Province
On Being Baptized
What I can say is that I am thankful to God because this is where I was able to understand the true meaning of faith and religion. There are a lot of false teachings from the religion I left behind, so I really am thanking God that I was born again.
Because my son was persuaded by his cousins, he then encouraged me. I have not listened to the doctrines yet when my son said to me, “Mom, come with me, and I’m not saying you should leave your Catholic religion. Just listen and if you like what you hear, then join the Church. No one will force you to be a member if it’s against your will. No. We won’t force you, unless it really comes from your heart.
On MCGI Leaders
Thanks be to God and I was enlightened that in his manner of preaching, the words of God are truly alive.
Bro. Lucio Sandoval, 59, Former Apostolic Church Worker, Mindoro Province
On Being Baptized
This was what happened: I saw that there were many people, many people crying because they were being asked questions like what things they have gone through.
And the people who were being asked were involved in some “things.”
But when it was my turn, I was asked about women, gambling, alcohol. I experienced all those and I really broke into tears because I was hoping that I will be forgiven, and I am hoping that that forgiveness would last a lifetime.
I will do what I am supposed to do, like what I used to do [in my former religion] where I would gather many people to go back to God’s reproof, that was what I did before. I would gather them, and convert them into people who know how to trust God. Now, [my former comrades and I] have gone separate ways, and I’m here. I think I will be more zealous with what I have to do in the coming days.
I watched Bro. Eli when I was already out of the “Iglesia ng Apostoliko Internasyonal” (Apostolic Church International). I was a messenger there, a worker too, but only for less than two years.
But I got tired, I was deprived of sleep and I wasn’t telling anybody of the leaders’ inadequacies so I left. And as for me, when you see a place where good abounds, you have to go there. There’s a saying that we should avoid all evil. Yes, there’s really a huge difference starting with the doctrines. If you’re weak, you won’t last here or if you’re really not interested.
Here, if you really want to, you will attend the indoctrination session, even if the weather is bad, whatever happens. That’s why even if we’re from a distant place, we’re here.
On MCGI Leaders
To the two of them, I will always include them in my prayers and I will try my best to encourage other souls to get closer to God and hopefully through that, I may be able to get in touch with my other fellows who left.
Sis. Grace Ballesteros, 23, Former member of The Biblical Church of Christ, Cavite Province
On Being Baptized
At first it felt like it was an unusual feeling after you’re baptized. Because in our previous (religion) after you got baptized, it seemed like nothing happened. But here, you will feel the difference. It feels like the Spirit is already inside you, something like that.
I was very young then, around 12 years old [when I got baptized in the Born Again]. It felt like I didn’t know anything. We were studying, but I didn’t understand anything, unlike when we attended the indoctrination sessions.
On MCGI Leaders
I hope that your health will be better, and your lives be longer. God willing [may he] continue in teaching us the messages of the words of God.
Sis. Raynalda Narvato, 74, Former Catholic, Laguna Province
On Being Baptized
It’s good. All is true. I feel good inside. My family and I were able to listen [to Bro. Eli Soriano] on television.
On MCGI Leaders
I give thanks to Bro. Eli. He teaches well.
Sis. Vinnyr Rose Santamina, 33, Former Born Again, Cavite Province
On Being Baptized
My understanding broadened even more than before when I attended seminars and Bible studies [in my former religion]. It’s only now that my mind was enlightened.
Although before, I was very active in attending prayer meetings and Bible studies, it’s different now. It’s like there are things revealed in the Bible that were never tackled by our leader there, which to me now are clear. It’s only now that I learned of the strict doctrines.
My husband and I were both Catholics before we were married. What we did then, when I wasn’t Catholic anymore, was to go back to the basic: Bible-reading. I knew the basic stories, and he was interested to learn them.
We read the Bible every night, about three chapters. Then, we had questions to each other. Together, we searched for the answers in the Bible, but mostly, they were tackled by Bro. Eli on the Internet. That’s why we always downloaded his debates on Youtube.
We were then united in collecting Bro. Eli’s debates. Most of our questions were discussed there. So basing on the verses that Bro. Eli read, that’s where we started. We looked them again in the Bible, and those became our Bible studies together.
On MCGI Leaders
For our leaders Bro. Eli and Bro. Razon, I thank them for their love towards our fellows. For them to continue what they have started, not only here in the Philippines but in the whole world.
Actually, I saw him long ago on television, but I just didn’t paid attention to him. But one time, our TV got broken and only [UNTV] Channel 37 was clear. So just to have some background noise in the house, we tuned in.
As I listened, I got interested. I asked myself, “Who is this Bro. Eli?” So I searched for him on the Internet where I found his debates on Youtube. I watched his debates against Born Again [pastors] and compared the teachings from the Born Again with his. I got convinced that what Bro. Eli teaches is from the Bible.
Bro. Pedro Igos, 82, Former Seventh-Day Adventist Member, Cavite Province
On Being Baptized
Why I really thank God! My body feels well. The reason why I joined is because I heard the doctrines. It’s true. That’s what I can say, and that’s why I joined here.
On MCGI Leaders
I really thank God. What my friend in the mountain said is true, [what Bro. Eli says] can be read in the Bible.
Bro. Billy Schofield, 48, Former Catholic, Bataan Province
On Being Baptized
It feels good. I hope that I’ll be able to bring my family here. Thanks be to God that I’m already here. God called me. May I be able to continue in serving Him, in doing His will.
On MCGI Leaders
To Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel, I thank them for preaching the Word of God, [through which] we became members of this organization. It’s a great thing for me to understand the righteousness of God. I’m thankful that I heard their teachings.
Bro. Jose Torres, 78, Former Catholic, Bataan Province
On Being Baptized
I’m happy. I feel that I’ve been cleansed of my sins and filthiness. My sins have been forgiven and I’m thankful that I became a member of the true Church. I’m glad that I feel very light inside. I’m happy that I’m inside the true organization.
On MCGI Leaders
To Bro. Eli, thank God. That’s what I can say to them, that they’re good with the Bible’s verses. Their teachings are clear; they’re good. I’m amazed by their preaching. I hope they continue it.
Sis. Roebie Marie Dimacali, 16, Former Catholic, Bataan Province
On Being Baptized
I’m thankful because I was given an opportunity to serve God. It feels good inside that I was baptized. I’m really, really happy!
On MCGI Leaders
I’m thankful that there are preachers that spread the righteousness of God. I hope they continue what they are doing. May God help them in their evangelization efforts. I’m thankful that I met the true preachers of God.