Read short testimonials of faith from some of MCGI’s youngest brethren baptized on April 18, 2014 at the ADD Convention Center in Apalit, Pampanga.
Bro. Alexander and Sis. Zarah Navarro, 49 & 39, Former Catholics, NCR
On Being Baptized
Bro. Alexander: I feel happy. I feel happy because we have been listening [to Bro. Eli Soriano] for quite a long time. Actually, we thought about this long; we were making sure of ourselves. Together, we decided to join. We are pleased.
Sis. Zarah: We feel very happy because we have been planning for this for a long time, for about five years I guess, but we were only able to decide now. We thought about it before we joined.
Bro. Alexander and Sis. Zarah: We were able to listen to Bro. Eli through television. We watch TV before going to sleep; we watch it [The Old Path] together. It’s what we do before sleeping.
During that time, [The Old Path] wasn’t on UNTV yet. [It] was still SBN; that’s where we first listened. Actually, the reason why we had the chance to listen was because the word “alien” [from a gag show] got famous.
Sis. Zarah: I realized afterwards that it was Bro. Eli that they were talking about in that “Bubble Gang” show. It started from there. I was the one who was able to listen and then I asked him [my husband] to check it out.
On MCGI Leaders
Bro. Alexander: I hope he presses on until his last days, because what he does is great.
I didn’t see in others the way he preaches the Bible. I voluntarily left the Catholic Church, because I felt that I couldn’t understand anything.
I’d been a member there for very long, since I was young, only because my parents were Catholics. They are now members here; they got baptized first.
I used to go with them to the parish; I would stay there for fifteen minutes and then I will go outside to eat. That’s because I really couldn’t understand anything.
I grew up and I haven’t even memorized Catholic prayers, their rosary, even “Our Father.” So I started asking around.
There was a time when I saw a Bible and I tried reading. When I read it, I started asking more questions. When the Catholic Church could not answer those questions, I left. Sis. Zarah left as well, and to think she went to Catholic school.
Sis. Zarah: I was a Catholic kid but I had so many questions that were not answered. It was only Bro. Eli who was able to answer, so I hope Bro. Eli will still be given longer life and endurance. Thanks be to God for Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel
Bro. Raji Bernada, 27, Former Born Again, Manila
On Being Baptized
Before anything else, it’s a great experience to feel this hope inside that you are finally cleansed from all your sins. There’s also this hope that you will be able to start a new life and have the opportunity to serve the Lord.
When I was 16 or 17 years old, I watched him on TV. However, I sort of get annoyed with him at first, because I was a Born Again. He was against my beliefs, and back then I was hard-hearted.
Then there came a time when something unexplainable happened, I felt that God opened my heart [to his preaching] just like what it says in the Bible. That’s the only time you would truly understand His words. You would be enlightened by His words.
That’s when it all started after I heard Bro. Eli, it went on for about two to three months. That was last month. Time came when I assessed the doctrines thoroughly. I repented. I stopped attending Born Again for about one year.
One of my cousins invited me to attend services at the Iglesia ni Cristo [INC], but I couldn’t really accept their teachings. I went with my cousin against my will. Unlike when I listened to Bro. Eli. I was intrigued and had so many questions, including why this wasn’t done in our Church? I said to myself, “Of course, this is written and I’ve been reading this but I’ve always ignored it.”
On MCGI Leaders
Bro. Eli, thanks be to God for your persistence, for your continuous preaching of God’s words. Thanks be to God too because you never stop from giving advice to all who needs His words.
Sis. Mercy Estante, 32, Former Catholic, Manila
On Being Baptized
I feel light inside. My husband always watched Bro. Eli on TV every day, on UNTV, and that’s how I got to listen to him.
He invited me to listen to Bro. Eli a year ago. At first, I wasn’t interested. Later on, I realized I’ve been watching the program daily. It seemed as if I was enlightened.
I was a former Catholic. I used to get mad whenever I listened to Bro. Eli. So whenever my husband would ask me to watch with him, I would refuse. I would just listen. But that’s where it all started.
When my husband’s out, I would listen by myself. One time he got home exactly when I was watching; that’s when he began encouraging me. I am grateful to God for my husband, because if it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have known the true doctrines.
On MCGI Leaders
Thanks be to God for Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel. I learned a lot here that I didn’t learn in other religions.
Bro. Menardo Villarin, 47, Former Catholic, Cavite Province
On Being Baptized
I feel good. I kind of felt that my life suddenly had direction, and that I know which path to go. We were taught about what you should and should not do. We now have a guide to follow the right thing.
I’ve been a listener for a long time, since [The Old Path was] on RJTV. I got to listen to him [Bro. Eliseo Soriano] before. What I like about him is the way he answers questions.
I never met any other pastor whom people can ask questions or will allow people to ask him questions. He was solely that preacher. Others asked my own questions, and those questions were all answered.
There was not one question left unanswered. Whenever he answers, it’s thorough and complete. His answers were never insufficient. It’s complete. His answers all came from the Bible too. That’s what’s great actually. He doesn’t use other books but one: The Bible.
On MCGI Leaders
Thanks be to God that Bro. Eli exists in this world, and for teaching the laws in the Bible. I pray that you will have a longer life so you can propagate the words of God for more years.
Sis. Jemalyn Perete, 35, Former Catholic, Cavite Province
On Being Baptized
It was light, and I felt like I’m free!
I first listened to Bro. Eli last year through television. My husband is a member, but he never invited me because I would reprimand him for not going home early. I kept asking him why the Church services were so long. Finally he invited me so I would know why the duration was long.
The first time I came with him in one of the Church thanksgivings, I immediately got interested in studying God’s words. I noticed a lot of teachings in the Catholic Church that they are not in the Bible. I just didn’t know where to transfer; I didn’t know where to find the true Church.
I had been invited by Jehovah’s Witnesses in one of their Bible Studies, they gave me a warm welcome when I arrived. I felt though that they were insincere. I also felt that they were wealthy; their outfits said so. I didn’t feel like I fitted in.
I was turned off when they told me that they’re prohibiting blood transfusion. I thought that in case I fall ill [and needed blood], I would die right away. Unlike here, my husband [also] likes the idea of Mass Blood letting.
In my former religion we worshipped a female saint too: Mary Magdalene. We also have “Reading of the Passion.” My family is very devoted to that faith. I was different, however.
I liked to analyze, to contemplate, “Why is it like this? Why is it like that?” I hope I will be able to invite my mother. I found out only recently that she doesn’t believe in the Bible even if she’s a Catholic.
I remember when I was young, I would see the Bible scattered somewhere, unattended. Now I realize it’s because they don’t believe in it. They believe more in the traditions, but not the words in the Bible.
One time my mother even got mad at me because I liked the teachings in MCGI. That’s what got me more interested. I pray that I could go home in May so I can also invite them here.
On MCGI Leaders
Thanks be to God because he woke me up to the truth, and that I was in the wrong religion.
Bro. Nelson Arceño, 37, Former Catholic, Cavite Province
I feel light. I was cleansed from the sins of my past life. After being immersed, I felt lightweight. It’s as if I was purified by the power of God and Jesus Christ.
I think I started listening in 2005. I think I saw this building Ang Dating Daan [The Old Path Convention Center] when it was under construction. I was a helper of my brother-in-law and we delivered gravel here.
I bought a bigger TV from my neighbor, and luckily it included UNTV 37 where I saw someone who looks like he’s preaching. It was the Ang Dating Daan program. I got hooked, and I saw that the teachings are true and were all taken from the Bible.
It was the only religion that bases answers to questions solely from the Bible. Unlike other religions where you will only hear stories, and doctrines are not from the Bible.
On MCGI Leaders
Bro. Eli, thanks be to God that through your evangelization, I am one of the souls you led towards salvation. I pray that God will give you longer life, so that more souls will be saved. Thanks be to God again Bro. Eli.