Read short testimonials of faith from some of MCGI’s youngest brethren baptized on April 17, 2015 at the ADD Convention Center in Apalit, Pampanga.
I was encouraged by my husband; he didn’t force me though. I saw the change in his life, how he had acquired faith.
He’s just a new member, about one year or going on two years old [in the Church]. He stopped with his vices; his life views have changed. His smart-aleck attitude also changed.
With him, it started when he met a brother-in-faith on board a ship. That’s when it started for him. When he returned home, he was already listening [to Bro. Eliseo], and he invited us to listen through television.
We were former Catholics. But as I was growing up, [I leaned] towards becoming a Born Again member, but I never got baptized. I used to encourage him [her husband] to the Born Again, but with God’s mercy, he ended up being here first.
I can’t explain it. I felt like I was nervous that I was just crying.
I’m thankful because they became the way for me to [become a member]. I have long been looking for the truth, investigating religions. And in doing so, I made the decision to be baptized here.
I was able to listen to the Bible Exposition [on UNTV]. As I was looking for something to watch, I noticed Bro. Eli’s program.
It caught my attention because the way of teaching is different because he reads it [from the Bible], unlike with other pastors wherein the listener cannot ask them questions.
It’s like it is already programmed [or scripted with others], but with Bro. Eli, he even answers simple-minded questions. That’s what convinced me that what he says is true. He has an explanation for everything, and that’s what drew me here.
I know someone from our place, as I am from Mindanao, [who is a member here]. Then, I remembered one of my batch mates [in high school], Bro. Rey, is also a member here. It was him who I called [to ask about this religion]. He then endorsed me to a locale nearest our place in Gatbuca in Capalangan through Bro. Freddie Dono.
I have only completed this [the indoctrination] now; it should have been a long time ago already. The reason was always work. Also, I attended to my papers for working abroad. With God’s mercy, it’s like He willed for me to [become a member] in this organization, in this brotherhood.
Actually, the first time I told my wife about this, she didn’t want to believe in it. Of course, there’s the truth that there are religions that are just for money; that’s still her belief.
We’re all Catholics — on my wife’s side and on ours, we’re all Catholics. So when I mentioned about this, she told me not [to join] as I would just be deceived. They [his family] wouldn’t listen to me. So I just keep on praying that they will be able to see what I was able to see, that they may be enlightened as well.
It’s like I felt light, like I was at ease; I felt light inside.
Actually, I was feeling tired as I was excited last night. I feel tired and want to sleep, [but] it’s like a thorn has been pulled from me; I feel relieved.
With Bro. Eli, I hope he continues this ministry, and the same with Bro. Daniel. May God give them more protection that their preaching which I also believed in may [reach countless others].
For us who were taught teachings from the Bible, we will do our [part]; more especially so on my end, I will do my participation [with God’s help and mercy]. Perhaps, what I can only do is to contribute financially when I have some, as well as to other brethren who [have none], as it’s also his [Bro. Eli’s] teaching that everything comes from Him.
The teachings are really written in the Bible. I really can’t explain [my feelings about it]. I was able to listen to various religions, but here [the doctrines] seem to convince your heart.
It’s like there’s something telling you that it’s the truth; it’s like that. I guess that’s what they say as the calling of God.
My father [got interested] on the Bible Expositions. That’s why he always [follows it] on TV and on radio. Of course, [we couldn’t] watch other programs on TV as we would come home with it on. So his [Bro. Eliseo] words got imprinted in my mind and in my heart. I was assessing whether it was true or not, and I proved it to be true.
It’s different. It’s like all the [shadows of doubt] have turned to light, and I feel unburdened.
More blessings and more power. I hope that this kind of ministry may continue that many to be lead unto righteousness.