The Members Church of God International will officially open the MCGI Free Store to the public on March 14, 2021, offering products from apparel to food to houseware — all free of charge.
With the slogans, “At MCGI Free Store, the best privilege is when you get everything for FREE” and “Get what you need and not what you want,” the project was initiated by Bro. Eli Soriano and is currently spearheaded by Bro. Daniel Razon. Primarily, it aims to offer the underprivileged of the things that they need for free.
How It Works
Besides its foremost purpose of helping the less fortunate, the MCGI Free Store was launched to help indigents especially in this challenging time when many are experiencing difficulties in availing their basic needs.
The goods available at the Store are voluntary contributions from Church members. Anyone, regardless of his religious affiliation, is free to get whatever he needs.
Free Store branches will be open to the public beginning March 14. However, with the Covid-19 still posing a threat to all, minimum health protocols like social distancing and the wearing of face masks and face shields will strictly be observed.
The point system will be implemented at the Free Stores.
The MCGI Free Store Batangas Branch preparing for its official opening. Rice, canned goods, and slippers are among the free goods available at the establishment. (Source: Emmanuel Pusag | Facebook)
MCGI Free Store branches are primarily located in Metro Manila and various provinces in the Philippines, as well as in other countries across the globe.
A Biblical Inspiration
The MCGI Free Store first began as part of the Church’s celebration of a Feast Dedicated to God in February and November 2019. The latter eventually became a culminating activity of The Old Path’s 39th Anniversary Celebration.
During the celebration of the Feast Dedicated to God, Church members and guests in MCGI coordinating centers around the world were provided with recreational activities and delectable meals and treated to shelves of clothing and canned goods that were all offered for free.
The MCGI Free Store was established during MCGI’s first Feast Dedicated to God celebration in February 2019. Seen in the picture are brethren in Las Piñas City, Metro Manila preparing free products for the guests. (Source: Photoville International | Nicole Faustino)
The Free Store was a brainchild of Bro. Eli Soriano, a well-known international evangelist who initiated various charitable endeavors through the Philippine-based religious organization, the Members Church of God International.
As the propagation efforts and public service activities of MCGI are all based on the Bible, Bro. Eli also drew inspiration from the Holy Scriptures and the examples set by the Lord Jesus Christ in holding the Feast Dedicated to God and in putting up the Free Store.
“But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind: And thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just.” – Luke 14:13-14, King James Version
“As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” – Galatians 6:10, King James Version
A Free Store for All
Since the successful institution of the Free Store, Bro. Daniel Razon has expressed his intent to continue the project, initially for the exclusive benefit of members of the Church only.
When the Covid-19 pandemic hindered physical gatherings, the main products made available to members were tablets that they can use for virtual meetings and Church gatherings.
With the help and guidance of the Almighty, the MCGI Free Store will now be extended to non-members, incorporating enhancements such as the aforementioned public launching of physical branches.