Knowing the efficacy of prayers in solving humanity’s predicament especially concerning the Covid-19 pandemic, Members Church of God International (MCGI) Servants Brother Eli Soriano and Brother Daniel Razon launched the MCGI Global Prayer for Humanity (GPH) on May 25, 2020.
This community prayer held every week night aims to invite everyone from all religions and cultures to join MCGI in seeking God’s divine intervention in the ongoing crises the world is facing.
During Brother Eli’s introduction of this initiative to the brethren, he asserted his faith in the only One who can truly heal the world physically, mentally, and spiritually. Through the GPH, he encouraged MCGI brethren and non-members to invoke the Father in the heavens who listens to His children’s pleas.
Prayer is one of the first doctrines taught in MCGI. It is part of the lessons in the indoctrination sessions that aspiring members should accept before they receive baptism. This habit allows Christians to communicate with God, telling Him their supplications, requests and gratitude.
Before going about their daily tasks and duties, MCGI brethren are taught to pray to God and ask Him for guidance and strength. It is also the last thing they do before going to sleep, thanking Him for the day that passed.
Brother Eli said that in many instances in the Bible, the Lord answers the pleas of those who seek his guidance in times of affliction.
In Jonah 2:1-9, the Lord delivered the Prophet Jonah from the depths of the seas when he cried for His help in his distress. Meanwhile, on his deathbed, King Hezekiah called on the Lord as he wept for his life (2 Kings 20:11). This act of submission resulted in the addition of 15 more years to his life.
Before Brother Eli introduced the GPH to non-members, he first proposed to the congregation to devote a specific time every day in supplication with the purpose of consoling members who were mentally and physically exasperated due to the novel pestilence.
It has been a year since MCGI started the Global Prayer for Humanity. Throughout these times, MCGI brethren and regular guests have experienced the effectiveness of praying every day.
“When I pray, I am relieved of all my worries and anxieties because God is greater than all of them combined,” Bro. Angelo Policarpio, a Church elder, shared. Even non-members who joined MCGI services testified the comfort GPH brings: “It’s good to know that we have Someone great listening to us.”
Even before the GPH, MCGI Servants have been constantly reminding the congregation to pray unceasingly (1 Thessalonians 5:17). In order to fulfill this daily Christian duty, the MCGI Servants have come up with prayer initiatives like the 24/7 Multilingual Community Prayer so that people can join in prayer anytime, anywhere via the internet.
“Prayer has become important to me because through prayers, I can ask God for guidance in my everyday life,” Sis. Ellyse San Andres, a newly baptized member, stated.
Every day God’s graciousness abounds to all people in many different ways (Matthew 5:45). Prayer is one of the ways to thank God for His continuing love and mercy.
The Global Prayer for Humanity happens every weeknight at 9:30 p.m., Philippine time. Through this regular devotion, people in various parts of the globe can either begin or end their day with a communal prayer of supplication and thanksgiving to God.
Brother Eli once said, “Every day that comes to our lives is a blessing from the One who created time and our being.” So make time to pray and give thanks to the One who makes every day possible.