Frontliners on their duty.

Still with Love and Thanks

MCGI’s Covid-19 Journey

Despite the many heavy and abrupt changes in people’s lives around the globe due to the coronavirus pandemic, some choose to remain unfazed.
And it isn’t because they are unaffected by it, but because the need to go on — daily, persistently — is well worth facing the dangers at hand.From medical practitioners to garbage collectors, supermarket attendants, bank tellers, and the media — all found themselves instantly at the forefront of dealing with “a new normal” for their sake and their fellowmen.

As an organization taught to do good unto all, the Members Church of God International (MCGI) keep on finding ways for its charitable and evangelical works to continue, with the help and mercy of the Lord.

Familiar Firsts

With God’s help and mercy, MCGI’s use of internet and satellite technologies since the early 2000s has allowed the organization to keep God’s commandment on valuing gatherings and preaching His words, while observing government protocols on social distancing and other safety and health measures.

In the Bible


For many, it is only until recently that people have heard terms such as “lockdown” and “community quarantine,” much less, have any idea of what they’re for.

And while it is helpful to consider the explanation being given by people in authority, Bro. Eli points to a more reliable reference.

Produced by the Members Church of God International for the glory and honor of God Almighty.

TO GOD BE THE GLORY | Copyright 2025 | All rights reserved