When asked what the message of Christ’s cross was in the question-and-answer period of a recent Bible Exposition, Bro. Eliseo Soriano shed biblical light not only about its meaning but also expounded his answer to include what the two other crosses signify.
A Bible Exposition guest from Muntinlupa City asked the Ang Dating Daan (The Old Path) host this question live last December 5 this year. The inquirer, Melissa Soriano, who said she reads the Bible twice a day, sought enlightenment to her question: “What is the word of the cross written in 1 Corinthians 1:18?”
In the verse, we can read: “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.”
Bro. Soriano, Overall Servant to Members Church of God International (MCGI), began his discussion by explaining through the Holy Scriptures the different ways in which messages are revealed. Not all messages are heard audibly, according to the Filipino preacher.
“There are many things that speak, but we don’t hear their words,” Bro. Eli said. He then read Psalms 19:1-3, whose verses show that even without speech the heavens declare the majesty of God.
When he elaborated on the passage, Bro. Soriano told audiences that the heavens are proof that there is God.
Bro. Eli explained that the rotation of the earth on its axis and its revolution around the sun has been going on for billions of years. “And yet, no accident has happened. It’s because there is a God who keeps it in order.”
To prove his point further, the preacher said that the sound of the trumpet in Old Israel meant something: to alert the people that enemies were coming. Hence, they should be ready to set out for war.
“What I mean is, the cross says something. And there is a message, good news in the cross,” said Bro. Eli, adding that “it is the word of salvation.” He further explained that the message of Christ’s cross is His triumph over the devil in redeeming the sins of people.
However, it was not the sole cross that bore a message. As the televangelist explained, the two other crosses next to Christ also have meanings.
The cross on the right side of Christ meant that “though you are a sinner like the thief, you can be saved if you’ll repent, if you’ll believe.”
The other cross, on the other hand, meant that “if you are evil, and you don’t want to believe, and you mock Christ, then you really will go to hell.”
Using the Death March in Bataan and Corregidor for parallelism, Bro. Eli said that for Filipinos who understand what happened, the two provinces bear an important message. He said that, “It was there that our fellow citizens gave their lives for our freedom.”
“It doesn’t follow that though significant events transpired in Bataan and Corregidor, that we should worship Bataan and Corregidor,” said the preacher. He then noted that while Christ’s cross speaks of something as valuable as His salvation, it is not something to be worshipped.
The Worldwide Bible Exposition, a monthly evangelization effort organized by MCGI, offers a venue wherein guests in its coordinating centers can ask the preacher any question of faith live and for free.
That evening’s event had over 1,360 remote points in different parts of the globe connected via satellite and Internet facilities.
(Written by Rigor Arellano)