Bro. Eliseo Soriano, Overall Servant of the Members Church of God International (MCGI), called for more compositions in different languages and dialects in future A Song of Praise Music Festivals (ASOP).
“May what is in the Bible happen wherein all tongues, cities, and nations praise Him,” remarked Bro. Eli during the ASOP Year-End Finals 5774 on April 24, 2015.
MCGI follows the Hebrew Calendar observed by the Lord Jesus Christ and His Apostles.
Bro. Soriano encouraged composers to write in a variety of language and dialect.
“There is no better praise for God than for us to praise Him in our own native tongue,” said Bro. Soriano
He and Bro. Daniel Razon understand a number of Philippine southern dialects and foreign languages like Portuguese and Spanish.
Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel serve as judges during ASOP Finals. The MCGI Overall Servants give their comments after each song is presented.
In previous ASOP festivals, a song entry from Brazil titled, “Tua Palavra” (Your Word) won 3rd place in 2010, while “Ipasigarbo Ko” (I Will Boast Of) from Visayas got 3rd place in 2011.
“Salamat Sa Iyo Amang Banal”, penned by Bro. Cris Ayuban representing the Luzon Region, Philippines, claimed the Song of the Year-End 5774 title in the last ASOP finals.
A total of 14 entries came from different Church Divisions, most of which were in Filipino and English.
Bro. Daniel advised congregants who wish to join the bi-annual event to review the comments of Bro. Eli in past ASOP festivals first.
“If we will listen to those comments, to the pointers that Bro. Eli gives — and we would then listen to the songs we wrote — more or less, we will understand how it should be done,” stated Kuya Daniel.
The singer-songwriter noted that though there are different ways to craft songs (e.g. melody first, lyrics later and vice versa or simultaneously done), there must still be room for adjustments.
Bro. Razon added that one major comment he and Bro. Eli give during ASOP is about how songwriters should avoid superfluity in a song’s lyrics, which makes it not jive well with the melody.
As Bro. Eli said, “Songs of praise that are easier to remember by the heart and mind are not intricate; they don’t beat around the bush.”
Bro. Soriano reiterated the value of the consolidated efforts of composers, lyricists and the screening committees of each Church Division in improving their respective song entries.
The Old Path host also reminded songwriters to read the Book of Psalms, and to devote quality time in making songs for the Almighty.
“A song is very important, because through it, God is delighted,” said Bro. Eli. “How can we please God? Simple. Just sing a song of praise to God… so long as you do it in faith.”
For the full list of winners, please see here.
(Written by Rigor Arellano)