“I protest.”
This is the two-word cry and theme of the recent benefit concert held in the Philippines, aimed to help the bereaved relatives of the 57 innocent civilians, 32 of which are journalists, mercilessly ambushed in Ampatuan, Maguindanao. MCGI Vice Presiding Minister Bro. Daniel Razon was one of the special performers.
A broadcast journalist by profession, Bro. Daniel Razon is an active advocate of press freedom and is against the curtailment of socio-political and religious rights. His joining in the concert was to raise funds to support the immediate families of the Maguindanao carnage victims, and to also remember four of his fellow journalists who died in the line of duty and by happenstance worked with him in the same station, UNTV 37.
Bro. Razon rendered novelty Filipino songs reflecting nationalism and national integrity. For his introductory part, he sang his own composition entitled “Pag-asa ng Puso” (Hope of the Heart), an inspiring spiritual song lifted from his personal experiences of life’s pains and hopes, to which attending MCGI members fondly sang with.
During the concert’s recognition break Bro. Daniel Razon acknowledged Bro. Eli Soriano as a major inspiration for continuing doing good to others. He reminisced how Bro. Soriano taught him in his childhood a rule which was to become a guiding principle in his endeavors – “Child, remember this, that no good deed shall bear evil fruit.”
He further asserted that “whatever circumstance brings us, be it good or evil, we must pursue doing good unto all men, regardless of their race, creed, or religion, ” a quote that earned the admiration and applause of both audience and performers.
The concert was inspired from Bro. Daniel Razon’s Isang Araw Lang (Just One Day) movement, a campaign he set out to encourage people to do an act of kindness and goodness even for just a day. The campaign in turn was taken from the biblical mandate in Galatians 6:10.
The Vice-Presiding Minister also holds an outstanding number of public service programs benefitting mostly the elderly and the poor. Notable among these projects are the free medical services and legal consultation that is opened daily for the public at the UNTV compound, where telecast of Bro Daniel’s programs are being conducted.
Bible Readers (Bread) Society International and UNTV are event organizers. Breakthrough and Milestones Productions International was event management arm of the successful concert, which was attended by more than 20,000 people.
(Written by: Cecile Vizcaya)