Members Church of God International (MCGI), with partners Philippine television channel UNTV News and Rescue and Policlinico Hospital, hosted a mass bloodletting initiative last May 1, 2018 in Roma, Italy.
There were a total of 13 bags of blood collected during the event.
Taekwondo athlete RJ Gabuyo, an active participant of the blood drive effort of MCGI, remarked about the benefits of donating blood through this cause. “This is my eighteenth time donating blood and it is good for the body. Everytime we donate blood, let us think that we are able to help other people.”
According to the Philippine Blood Society, there are many benefits that come with blood donation. Not only does one get the satisfaction of knowing that they have helped someone in need of blood, but it also improves heart health and enhances the production of new blood cells.
MCGI’s Overall Servants Bro. Eli Soriano and Bro. Daniel Razon promote and conduct such advocacy on a regular basis not only in the Philippines but also in some parts of the world.
Not only are MCGI members encouraged to do good for others, but Bro. Eli and Bro. Daniel call on everyone to grab every God-given opportunity that they may come across or they may find to do good.
An Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW), whose heart was touched by the cause, was elated upon hearing about the event and grabbed the opportunity to do good.
“Thank you to UNTV that there is a blood donation here in Italy. This is a project led by Bro. Eli Soriano and Bro Daniel Razon. Through this, we are able to help our fellow men. Thank you and until next time,” Bernard Trinidad stressed.
The blood donation effort in Roma, Italy is conducted twice a year.
Written by: Lalluh Adalla