The phenomenal Q-&-A format TV and radio religious program in the Philippines, Itanong Mo Kay Soriano, Biblia Ang Sasagot (Ask Bro. Eli, the Bible Will Answer), now has its online channel on
Airing live on Wednesdays from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. (EST), Bro. Eliseo Soriano’s new web show allows Internet users to ask him questions of faith straight from their own homes or offices.
“It is our intense desire to preach the Gospel. That’s why we are using all resources available in our time,” said the international evangelist, just before today’s webcast ended. This was actually a reply to a question by Dan, an American who visited one of the Members Church of God International’s coordinating centers in the States to listen to Bro. Eli.
However, not all are like Dan who has the time to drop by a nearby MCGI chapter. So people like Carlos, a caller from Spain, simply calls Bro. Eli through the Yahoo Messenger ID: mytruthcaster, and starts a video conference with him.
The Spaniard then appears on screen via his webcam, and by using a headset asks, “What is the basis in the Bible of the Semana Santa or Holy Week?”
“Believing on Semana Santa means that the rest of the year is ‘Semana Mala’. One holy week implies that there are 51 unholy weeks; meaning that you can eat whatever meat you can, even the meat of other people. There are people who are cannibals,” retorts Bro. Eli. And after reading a series of verses coupled with explanations, Bro. Eli says “Muchas gracias!” to the caller who got disconnected.
Fortunately, Livestream has a chat feature. Viewers can post their questions to Bro. Eli using a Livestream account, which actually just takes a few seconds to set up; no e-mail confirmation is required. But just in case a new online account proves a hassle, inquirers can always “tweet” their questions away and send them to @BroEliSoriano on Twitter for the Truthcaster to answer.
“The Truthcaster”, which is both the name of the show and the channel, piloted on Livestream on January 20, but originally aired via on January 6, 2010 at 7 p.m. (EST).
On its website, indicated that it has more than 700,000 channels launched since November 2009 with more than 16.7 million unique visitors each month. The company, with headquarters in New York and Bangalore, India, was founded by Max Haot, co-founder and CEO of Mogulus.
Among the platform’s unique features include the ability to mix multiple live cameras, imported videos clips, and overlay graphics.
(Written by: Jay Arellano)