The launch of the redesigned website of Bro. Eli Soriano, Presiding Minister of the Members Church of God International (MCGI), this month was one of the top feeds posted on the wall of the phenomenal preacher’s Facebook page.
In an instant, “like” and comments poured in from Bro. Eli’s avid fans and supporters, commending the refreshed and enhanced look of the site —
On August 7 when the news were posted on Facebook, Bro. Eli’s more than 25,700 Facebook followers were the first to know of the enhancements. Bro. Eli’s new website is much-awaited and relevant.
Currently, is sporting a big banner image showing the preacher speaking during one of his Bible Expositions in foreign shores, with a very simple yet powerful text: “To God be the Glory!”
It is also hoped that through this simple yet elegant website, people researching about the evangelist will have a more credible means to learn about Bro. Eli’s activities and whereabouts.
In the last couple of years, Bro. Eli’s detractors and enemies on the web are unstoppable in creating hate blogs, fake Facebook and Twitter accounts. The enemies’ tactics are geared to destroy the good reputation earned by the evangelist in his over 40 years of ministerial works.
The new site includes news for and about Bro. Eli Soriano, his Bible Exposition schedules and reliable and credible information about the phenomenal Filipino preacher, who is best known for answering any biblical query using the Bible.
As the evangelization efforts have reached farther countries like Latin America, and this month in India, foreign followers will get to have a more in-depth look at Bro. Eli’s humble beginnings as a preacher in the South East in his biography.
Aside from links to his Twitter account and his award-winning blog, also showcases recent and old photos and testimonial videos of new brethren and visitors at the site’s media gallery section.
For the avid fans and bloggers, the site offers free RSS feeds of the preacher’s news and events, a feature that can be used to receive fresh and upcoming updates.
(Written by: Pol Arellano)